By now, unless you're living on Mars, your newspaper reports, radio waves, Facebook and Twitter streams are being swamped with stories, images and chattering about the shocking decision of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nation's most ubiquitous breast cancer awareness foundation, to essentially sever financial ties with Planned Parenthood.The move, ostensibly due to the latter's being "under investigation" (a bogus congressional investigation spurred by the right wing) was clearly politically motivated, despite weak denials from Komen officials. It's unleashed a hail of criticism and controversy that seems as large, if not even larger, than when Planned Parenthood was under threat of being defunded by the federal government. Whether Americans were suspicious of Komen to begin with or just fed up with the politicization of women's health, this feels like the last straw. . . .
Somebody, correct me if I am wrong; but was not The Susan G. Komen Foundation founded to fight breast cancer. Then why have they been infected with the cancer of Right wing politics?Via Kombiz, it appears the Susan G. Komen Foundation's newest push towards the hard-right has resulted in another new policy as well. According to a statement released at around the same time as the Planned Parenthood defunding was being planned, the Komen Foundation will also be denying any funding for cancer research that uses embryonic stem cells [PDF]. The statement language is lifted directly from far-right rhetoric on the matter, saying they will only fund stem cell research "derived without creating a human embryo or destroying a human life." Read more
If you're wondering why Komen, an organization supposedly dedicated to women's health, would withdraw funding from Planned Parenthood -- look no further than one Karen Handel.![]()
As pro-choice supporters sound off over the decision by Susan G. Komen for the Cure to pull grants to Planned Parenthood for funding breast-cancer screening and other breast health services, some have suggested a link between Tuesday's announcement and Komen's hiring of a self-described "pro-life Christian" last year to a prominent position within the foundation.Handel ran for governor of Georgia in 2010 as a right-wing Christian -- and was endorsed by none other than The Quitter and Jan Brewer. And during the campaign, she said:
Karen Handel, a former secretary of state in Georgia and a Republican activist, was hired in April as vice president of public policy at the Dallas-based Komen. Handel was coming off an unsuccessful run for governor of Georgia during which she frequently called for an end to abortion.
Since I am pro-life, I do not support the mission of Planned Parenthood.And check out this Tweet she recently promoted on her account -- then quickly deleted.
“Just like a pro-abortion group to turn a cancer orgs decision into a political bomb to throw. Cry me a freaking river.”
Why? Oh, Why? Politicalize women's health. Why, Oh, Why? Unless so much money is pouring into the Republican Party that they can no longer hide their Greed and Corruption? IF the Republican Party are Really and Truly 'Pro-Life' why is their Actions ANTI-CHOICE? THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS ONLY 3% OF WHAT PLAN PARENTHOOD DOES ARE ABORTIONS. If the Republican Party was truly 'Pro-Life' , they would know and understand this fact, but then again--AS LONG AS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE HEALTH AND LIVES OF POOR WOMEN, WHY SHOULD THE REPUBLICAN PARTY CARE???
Republicans in Washington, D.C., aren't giving up trying to ram through the Keystone XL pipeline. On Monday, less than two weeks after President Obama rejected the controversial Canada-to-Texas project, Republicans in the Senate introduced a bill that would let Congress make it a reality. They're also scrambling to attach Keystone XL to other pieces of legislation floating around the Capitol.
We're not surprised: Big Oil and its congressional cronies were angered by Obama's rejection of Keystone XL. We can't let up on the counterpressure. If it's built, Keystone XL would, as climatologist Dr. James Hansen says, be "game over" for climate change. It would also be a disaster for Canada's boreal forests (where the tar sands the pipeline would carry are extracted) and put hundreds of waterways and some 20 imperiled plants and animals, from the whooping crane to the piping plover, at risk of a spill -- which government scientists say would be inevitable.
The Center for Biological Diversity has been at the forefront of the fight against Keystone XL, and we'll keep you up to date on how to stop this dangerous project.
Check out our press release, read our Oregonian op-ed on the issue and learn more about our Keystone XL campaign.
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