Woman Tried to Have Fur-Wearer Killed
A woman living in Ohio has been held for attempting to hire a hit man to kill a person who wears fur. She was caught after posting a message on FaceBo...
posted by Jake Richardson To Read the article go to--> |
posted by AgingCare.com
Do you think schools should teach our children that climate change isn't real?
Of course not. But the Heartland Institute, an organization known for giving a microphone to climate science deniers, now wants to bring this false message into America's classrooms.
As its President and CEO just admitted, Heartland is writing a "global warming curriculum" that would say climate science isn't settled. Heartland would like to create the appearance of a scientific debate where there is none by having our teachers claim we just don't know if humans are changing our climate.
Fortunately, one brave high school student is asking the Heartland Institute to stop. And I hope you will too.
Tell the Heartland Institute to cease and desist its plan to bring fake science into our schools. And watch our eye-opening video to learn more. As you know, the science behind climate change is not controversial -- it is reality. It is the height of irresponsibility to urge our schools to teach something known to be untrue -- just as it is wrong to teach our children that gravity is not real or nicotine is not addictive.
As its own budget documents reveal, the Heartland Institute is funded by oil and coal companies with a financial interest in denying climate science. But I think you'll agree this industry-funded propaganda has no place in our schools.
Corey Husic is a high school student who knows there is no place for a climate denial curriculum in school. He and many others are asking that Heartland immediately "cease and desist" its plan to bring climate denial into our schools. And today, I invite you to sign this petition as well.
Scientists know that climate change is happening, and we are beginning to see the impacts with our own eyes. This debate is a distraction. Deniers are trying to prevent us from engaging in a much more fruitful discussion over what we can do to solve the climate crisis.
We've created a short video to help you learn more about this urgent issue. I encourage you to watch this video now, and sign the petition to keep climate reality in America's science classrooms.
Tell the Heartland Institute to end its plans for a climate denial curriculum. And watch our video to learn more.
Thanks for all you do,
Maggie L. Fox
President and CEOThe Climate Reality Project
Enough Said. Now, indeed, is the time for action--> especially when that action is signing a petition. This is a Non-Violent Blog. Violence cause the trouble, far more often than solves them. |
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