Submitted by Nancy Roberts
Josh Fox, director of the documentary 'Gasland' was arrested and ejected from a Congressional hearing on fracking
today after Republican Congress members objected to his filming the
proceedings. Fox and his crew did not have press credentials, though he
had requested permission to film prior to the hearing. Fox was released
in the afternoon without having to pay a fine or post bail; his hearing
is scheduled for 15 February. Fox told the New York Times,
“We have followed this case for three years, and it seemed as if this
hearing was an attack on the E.P.A. and we wanted to be there. We wanted
this to be transparent to the American people. This is emblematic of
what is happening across the world."
The hearing had been called to investigate an EPA report about the
possible effects of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on the well water
near Pavilion, Wyoming. The hearing’s briefing paper described
the report’s principal conclusion: “that ground water in the aquifer
contains compounds likely associated with gas production practices,
including hydraulic fracturing”. Opponents of the report’s conclusions
have questioned the EPA’s survey methods and transparency, leading to
today’s meeting.
Which begs the questions, That is IF The Republican Party would permit the Freedom of Speech that is supposed to be a Constitutional Right of Each and Every United States Citizen Garrenteed in the Bill Of Rights---> What do these companies have to hide? How many Republican Congressional Representatives do they own? Has the Republican Party really become this corrupt? Looks like the Republican Party has sold the state of Wyoming to the highest bidder, which state will be next? Is this why the Republican Party hates the EPA enough to close it down? Do they not know or care that once the water becomes too polluted to drink -- There Will Be Nothing To Drink And No Water To Grow Crops -- IF Polluted Water Is Used On Crops Then The Crops Will Be Poisonous - Not Nutritious, no matter how rich they become by selling out their children' and grandchildren' s world?
After all, the EPA was established under Republican President Richard M. Nixon; because amoung many other incidents was the 1969 Fire that the Cuyahoga River was. I know because I was born and raised in Cuyahoga County, where we learned our lesson about taking care of the environment the hard way--The burning of our river. Water should put out fire, Not Catch On Fire!
Unfortunately, IF The Gas And Oil Companies and their Puppets--The Republican Party--have their way--Water Will Become Flammable, Once Again, But Not Just The Cuyahoga River, Our Ground Water and All Our Lakes and All Our Rivers, While They Think They Are Justified By Laughing All The Way To The Bank, Wrapped Up In Their Greed And Corruption and In The Blessings Of The Religious Right Who Have Not Only Sold Their Souls, But also Have Sold Out The True Jesus To The God Of Greed And Corruption!!!
Thank God, Not All Of Christianity Has Sold Out! After all, the Lutheran Church that I am a member of begins each and every service with a Prayer such as --> Holy and merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against our sisters and our brothers and against you. We cherish the values of this world. We cause other to stumble. The earth is wounded by our excess. Have mercy, O God. Forgive us, renew us, and raise us up on eagle's wings, that we may do your will with courage and delight. Amen.
p.s. I have now discovered that there is a petition to be read and signed, If I am correct--it is for his release, if so I would kindly ask each and every U.S. citizen who believes in Freedom of Speech and who cares for their children and their grandchildren to please read and sign, if not for the Bill of Rights, then for their descendants' sake, who will inherit what we leave behind, for better and for worse. Personally, I am hoping and praying and striving for them to inherit a better world than what it is so far.