We've had some great successes in January! Thank you, Care2
members, for helping to make things happen!
No New Mining Near the Grand Canyon for 20 Years

This month,
the Obama administration banned uranium mining at the perimeter of the
Grand Canyon for the next twenty years. More than 15,000 Care2 members,
concerned about the effects of uranium mining on this world-famous
region, signed the petition.
Read more.
State Dept. Denies Keystone XL Pipeline Application

This month,
President Obama denied the permit for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
This was a huge victory for environmentalists across the country. Thank
you, President Obama, for protecting our natural resources!
Read more.
Grocery Store Offers to Rehire Disabled Worker

In November, disabled Hy-Vee employee Kyle Dowie was fired from his job
of twenty-five years for "stealing" twenty cents' worth of bottle
deposit credits. Dowie said, “I am mentally retarded, but Hy-Vee did not
take that into account when ending my employment over twenty cents.”
Thanks to pressure from Care2 members like you, Kyle has been offered
another job.
Read more.
Thank you for being a part of the Care2 community! You can share your own success stories with us by emailing successstories@earth.care2.com.

Amen and Gloria Halleluijah! Sometimes the 'Good Guys' actually win! BUT that does not mean the the 'War' is over. After all, the 'War' for the Health and Safety is a never ending struggle against 'Greed and Corruption'. After all, it is far too tempting to look at the short term gains, without thinking about long term costs. As I have said many time before and will continue until this 'War' is won completely.
There are other way to create jobs and energy without fossil fuels, but we have only one planet, once we pollute our home beyond livability, what difference does it make how rich we may be-if no amount of money can buy fresh air or drinkable water or food that was not contaminated beyond the point of being edible.
are looking so bad for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, leadership there is
probably looking back at last week as the good ol' salad days, when the
biggest problem was national outrage at a new policy to defund Planned
In the past week, though, things have gone from bad to so, so, so much worse. Lena H. Sun and Sarah Kliff at the Washington Post report:
the Komen board unanimously agreed to pull funding for Planned
Parenthood last year, an internal staff review and a board subcommittee
had concluded the opposite, that funding should be maintained, according
to a former Komen employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity for
fear of retaliation. [Karen] Handel, who was senior vice president for
public policy, objected to those decisions.
Read more 
By Kaili Joy Gray
| Daily Kos
on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 @ 10:01 AM
I am not here to defend either abortions, but legal abortions are the lesser evil than the illegal ones! HOWEVER, there is much much more to Planned Parenthood than just abortions. I support the fight against cancer. I support the causes that save lives and or make lives better for as many people as possible. As the old 'Star Trek' saying of the 'Vulcan Adage'--"The needs of the many must out weigh the needs of the few."
"Danny," whose name we are protecting, is an activist in the Syrian
city of Homs. His father is Syrian, and his mother is British. He's been
sharing his stories with CNN and has posted a number of videos on
YouTube purporting to show the violence there. Although CNN cannot
verify these videos independently, they appear to show a desperate
The following is an edited ongoing account of what Danny is seeing,
hearing and thinking as the situation in Syria grows more desperate each
day. To read more and/or to watch videos go to-->
There is much too much suffering going on in Syria. We, through our leaders, must do something to end the blood shed and the suffering. I am in total agreement to 'Give Peace a Chance', However sometime Peace must be won through War. This war that the Syrian Government is fighting against their very own citizens is so very wrong that it must be stopped by any and all means that become necessary.
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