ACTIVISM: Lucy Lawless--a.K.a. Xena the Warrior Princess--Occupies a Shell Oil Drilling Ship
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Cal - 1 day ago -
From 174 extremely windy feet in the air, Lawless tells me how her crew of Greenpeace volunteers plans to stop the Noble Discoverer from getting to Alaska. . . . . . . .
For The Win, Ms. Lucy Lawless!!! For The Win, Greenpeace!! Win or lose the battle for the environment, we may not see the results, but future generations will, by what kind of air they breathe, by the kind of water they drink, by the climate they grow up in, by the remaining wildlife around them. After all, if Global Warming continues, there are indications that the number of earthquakes and volcanoes will also increase, which in turn will also trigger tsunamis and more Green House Gases.
One way or another, they (the future generations) will live in the world which we (our generations) have left to them and either they will thank us for cleaning it up or they will curse us for leaving them to die in the decay of a dying planet, which is why we must go For The Win; not just for ourselves, but for future generations who one day may very well indeed bless our memory for doing so.
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