Today {Feb. 23,2012}, Democrats held a hearing on women’s health with Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student that Republicans refused to let testify last week at an all male birth control coverage panel.
In yet another appalling move, Republicans refused to let Congressional cameras in to tape Sandra’s testimony today.
This is happening in the so called Christian Nation of the United States by the party which claims to be the 'Pro-Life', Pro-Family Values' Republican Party. If this was happening in the Middle East, I could just hear the Republicans now, that would be the justification of 'Islamophobia' and how it would be justified against those Muslim men who use and abuse their women.
{Watercolors Angel}, they want to silence us. Let’s take this moment to show that our voices are too powerful to be censored.
There are just days left before the February FEC reporting deadline, the first since Republicans held their disgraceful women’s health hearing.
Help us raise $1 million by Wednesday’s deadline to send an overwhelming message that we will not stand for the Republicans’ anti-woman agenda.
Contribute before the deadline and a group of committed Democrats will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.
The Republican War on Women must come to an end.
We must send a loud and clear message to Republicans that we are standing strong and united. Join the fight:
Thank you,
Nancy Pelosi
OOOPS, This is happening is the U.S.A. by the Republican Party; So the Republican Party line would have to become that they are trying to save 'The Family" and "Women" from those 'Liberal Feminists', who are out to destroy the family by--dare I say it--by giving women the choice to marry or not. Even worst, by giving women the means to bare children or not. As If we American Women are mere livestock--as long as we are all Christian livestock then the 'Social Conservatives--Tea Parties--of the Republican Party would have done their job.
To Read even more, please, go to-->
1. "Gender Differences in Voter Turnout," Center for American Women and Politics, November 2011
2. "Pelosi: GOP Offers The 'Most Comprehensive And Radical Assault On Women's Health In Our Lifetime,'" Think Progress,
February 10, 2012
3. "Republicans to Continue Effort to Block Obama Contraceptive Rule," Bloomberg Businessweek, February 14, 2012
4. "Planned Parenthood Funding Blocked In House Vote," Huffington Post, February 18, 2012
"The GOP's 10 Most Extreme Attacks On A Woman's Right To Choose An Abortion" Think Progress, December 27, 2011
5. "Komen decision illustrates political battle over Planned Parenthood," NBC Politics, February 3, 2012
6. "House GOP Proposes So-Called 'Let Women Die' Bill That Lets
Hospitals Deny Life-Saving Care," Think Progress, October 12, 2011
"The GOP's 10 Most Extreme Attacks On A Woman's Right To Choose An Abortion" Think Progress, December 27, 2011
7. "Rep. Darrell Issa Bars Minority Witness, a Woman, on Contraception," ABC News, February 16, 2012
8. "Legislative proposal puts abortion rights supporters on alert," The Washington
Post, February 1, 2011
9. "Anti-abortion bills spark heated debate in Virgina," CBS News, February 15, 2012
10. "House Democrats To Hear Birth Control Testimony From Woman Rejected By GOP," The Huffington Post, February
21, 2012
I cannot believe this that even in this 21 Century that Women's Rights are becoming an issue. We go to other countries and tell them to treat their women and children fairly, but yet, the same people who condemn 'Islam' for treating their women as second class citizens, would do the same thing here in America.
In Addition please consider-->
I cannot believe this that even in this 21 Century that Women's Rights are becoming an issue. We go to other countries and tell them to treat their women and children fairly, but yet, the same people who condemn 'Islam' for treating their women as second class citizens, would do the same thing here in America.
In Addition please consider-->
this petition with friends and family!
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