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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday Evening Mix--Check Them Out

Hi Barbara - Well, here is to hoping that blogging is just as good as forwarding.
Nyack has sent you a message:
PLEASE FORWARD!!! Thanks- Nyack
Defend Canada's Environment Against Big Oil This Sunday ! PLEASE TAKE ACTION ! !

Environment  (tags: environment, destruction, habitat, nature, protection )
Cher - 8 hours ago - thepetitio
Prime Minister Harper's recent budget bill plans to gut Canada's environmental laws and fast-track the approval process for tar sands pipelines. Harper wants to limit public participation in environmental assessments and roll back key protections
The Paycheck Fairness Act is coming up for a vote next week--and the vote is going to be really close.

Time to Get Creative!
Here's your chance to show off your artistic and comedic talents in support of independent science. Enter the 2012 UCS Science and Democracy Editorial Cartoon Contest today!
Read More
2012 UCS Science and Democracy Editorial Cartoon Contest
Enter the Contest by July 1

Dear Read the Union of Concerned Scientists are looking for a person with artistic ability, which is not me. I could not draw myself out of a paper bag, I do at times have a way with words--but I am no artist. However If there is anyone reading this who does have any artistic ability--then please consider the following,
We're looking for a few good artists.

Today, the Union of Concerned Scientists is launching the 2012 UCS Science and Democracy Editorial Cartoon Contest. We're seeking cartoons that explore the complex relationship between science and democracy in America.

Twelve cartoons will be selected as finalists to be featured in the 2013 UCS Science and Democracy Calendar. Then, we'll ask the public to choose the best cartoon, which will go on the calendar's cover. Each artist who submits an entry that is chosen as a finalist will receive a cash prize.

Check out the contest web page for more information about entering and guidance on relevant topic areas. You can also see some wonderful cartoons from our previous contests.

Entries are due July 1, 2012. Best of luck, and please forward this message to the most creative minds in your life!

By the Way, Good Luck and God Speed to all who enter contest, may the best person win and in addition I am also passing the following along for your consideration.

In a giant step toward equality today, a federal appeals court ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.
The decision was clear: the law treats same-sex couples as second-class citizens – and that's a violation of fundamental rights.
But despite losing over and over again in court, House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are still planning to fight for DOMA all the way to the Supreme Court, if need be – dumping millions of taxpayer dollars into defending discrimination.
DOMA hurts our families. But Boehner and Cantor won't focus on repealing DOMA instead of continuing to defend it unless we rally right now – their decision to appeal today's ruling could come any hour, so we don't have much time to act.
President Obama ordered the Department of Justice to stop defending the DOMA case in court over a year ago. His leadership was critical to the progress we have made.
But Boehner and Cantor, reacting to the anti-LGBT fringe of their party, stepped in to use House resources – our taxpayer dollars – to make sure this terrible law was defended.
Even in a time when our federal budget is already strapped, they have committed up to $1.5 million taxpayer dollars to fight for this outdated law – and as this and other cases challenging DOMA continue, we could be looking at millions more
The anti-gay House Republican leadership needs see the writing on the wall. Already a vast majority of Americans oppose DOMA and want it repealed. The House already has a bill before it – the Respect for Marriage Act – which would get rid of DOMA's discrimination once and for all.
This ruling marks a critical juncture in the battle for marriage equality. With enough voices speaking out, Boehner and Cantor will have no choice but to consider the cost of their continued defense of DOMA.
With continued pressure and hard work, we can make DOMA a thing of the past.
Proud, excited, and determined,
Allison Herwitt

Thank You for your time and consideration and most importantly for your readership, Thank You very very much.

Why Saving the Middle class from Corporate Greed is So Very Necessary

Despite being the richest country in the world, our poverty rate is one of the highest among highly developed nations.
I recently had the opportunity to talk with Georgetown law professor Peter Edelman, to discuss his decades of anti-poverty work and his new book, So Rich So Poor: Why It’s So Hard to End Poverty In America. Peter Edelman was legislative aide to Senator Robert F. Kennedy and accompanied Kennedy on his 1967 visits to the deep South to understand hunger and poverty in this country and how to fix it READ MORE
 This is why we need equal pay for equal work. This is why we need Strong Unions. After all, too many businesses would pay employees the lowest salary that they could get away with. After all, with too many companies the needs of the boss is first, last and foremost, with employees just the means for which they get paid--I know, because I use to work for a Cleaning Service whose ex-husband the lawyer was the one who kept 'these' Holy Ghost Filled Christians' Honest and Law abiding--After all, these (the pair of sisters) who too Filled to Answer to Caesar.

By the way, just because I finally could afford to quit this Cleaning Service does not mean that I am finished paying the price of working there--just a time out. I will go back to paying the price if and when I retire, because for all Social Security and the IRS know for a brief period of time--I was unemployed -- without the benefits---Which means that my family will again pay the price of me getting conned by these Holy Ghost Filled Christian Republicans.

After all, the last thing that America needs is yet another generation of poverty, but unless the children of poverty get help now--Federal Assistance--that is what we will have.

Mitt Romney demonstrates the hubris of a certain kind of millionaire: the kind who think it is the job of hard-working people to preserve the rich man's wealth.READ MORE
Reminds me of my former bosses at that Cleaning Service-The Cleaning Service that now is smaller than it was when it first got started, but at least now the bosses get to keep more of the money they make; they may be small, but at least Thank God By The Power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus: they found their way around paying taxes--The last thing that America needs--A President who would sacrifice the Middle and Working Classes for the 1% at the expense of Society. 

In addition,there is this reality--why corportations need so many lawyers.
A push to protect workers from the danger of dust explosions has stalled in the face of bureaucratic hurdles, industry pushback and political calculations Small fires were a part of the job at the Hoeganaes Corp. metal powder plant 30 miles northeast of Nashville. By early 2011, some workers later told investigators, they had become practiced in beating down the flames with gloved hands or a fire extinguisher.
The company’s own product fueled the fires. Scrap metal rolls into therust-colored plant on the town’s industrial periphery and is melted, atomized and dried into a fine iron powder sold to makers of car parts. Sometimes, powder leaked from equipment and coated ledges and rafters. Under the right conditions, it smoldered.
But some good news is-->

Pushing gender boundaries

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 And, Yet, The Republicans call themselves 'Pro-Life' and 'Pro-Family' when they are the ones most likely to break up families. Stop breaking up families, so that the children who Really Do Need to be Rescued From the parents Can Be Rescued By Keeping Families Who Should Be Together-Together!

P.S.-No one should be allowed to keep any American Citizen from exercising their Right to vote--NO ONE!!! WE CAN NOT NOR WILL NOT SIT IDLEY BY AND WATCH THIS ELECTION BE STOLEN!!!!!--NOR SHOULD OUR WATER BE SOLD OUT FROM UNDER US-->

Take Action Today to Protect Your Water
Stop selling our water to the frackers!

Don't let what happened in Florida in 2000 happen again 2012!
Tell FL Gov. Rick Scott to stop the voter purge!

sign the petition

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dry tears and Do something

 I do not believe in staying home and feeling sorry for myself, but I also do not believe in taking the law into my own hands--However, the pen is indeed more powerful than the sword--I therefore present a list of petitions for your consideration and please sign the ones that your own conscious leads you to sign-IF possible and if you have a mind for more and/or others there are links to addition petition sights--Thank you for you time and consideration.

hottest petitions


Alaska's Wildlife at Risk

Tell Interior Secretary Salazar to protect critical wildlife habitat in the Arctic from oil operations.
signatures: 32,993

Protect Threatened Fisheries

Urgent: River herring and shad, crucial to the survival of other ocean species, need your help before June!
signatures: 29,496

Protect Elephants From Poaching

Ivory poachers have already killed hundreds of elephants this year in just one national park in Cameroon.
signatures: 63,861

Let Us Cry, because there is indeed evil All Around the Entire World


Today's Action Learn 22 Ways to Help Stop Violence Against Women
There aren't nearly enough people standing up against violent actions, derogatory speech, and demeaning attitudes towards women.

It's clear because there are so many atrocious behaviors that are accepted or even encouraged in our society--or worse yet, deemed as "cool." And while these attitudes exist, sexual and domestic violence is more likely to happen. We can combat violent language, actions, and anti-women sentiment by learning which things are not okay to do or say and sharing this knowledge with our friends. You may even discover that there are habits that you aren't aware of that are hurting others in the process.

For today's Daily action, learn how you can change yourself and how you can help stand up for your sisters, mothers, friends, and all the other important women in your life.
I confess this is true on so many levels on so many issues. This edition of the blog is an attempt to change that reality. Lord Help us, Jesus to remember that there is only one Race on the planet called Earth and that is the Human Race--We are indeed Family and Family takes loving care of each other no matter the cost and no matter how they differ.

Syria, Sarajevo and Srebrenica: When outrage isn't enough

By Tim Lister, CNN
May 30, 2012 -- Updated 0933 GMT (1733 HKT)
Ooops! I am sorry that there is no point to clicking on to this picture, because there will not be a video. Either because of copy rights or my own inexperience with computers.

May 30, 2012 -- Updated 0932 GMT (1732 HKT)
World powers weighed tough options to end brutality in Syria amid the aftermath of the now-infamous massacre in Houla.

Kid Sings ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make it to Heaven,’ Congregation Wants More (VIDEO)

Kid Sings ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make it to Heaven,’ Congregation Wants More (VIDEO)

A video has emerged of a young boy signing “Ain’t no homos gonna make it to Heaven” before a church congregation, whereby the congregation claps and hoots and makes him perform it again.
In the video (h/t Matthew Paul Turner) the child sings:
“The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
Romans one, twenty six and twenty seven;
Ain’t no homos gonna make it to Heaven.”
IF I copied it correctly--I do mean If--when one click onto the picture the video should play with the poor innocent boy singing . . . .    :.(...

Breaking: Another 160 Girls, Teachers, Poisoned At School In Afghanistan

And here we go again: another depressing story of misogyny in Afghanistan.
Breaking: Another 160 Girls, Teachers, Poisoned At School In AfghanistanOn Tuesday, May 29, 160 schoolgirls and teachers were admitted to a hospital after a suspected poisoning at a school in Afghanistan’s northern Takhar province.
The female students, ranging in age from 10 to 20 years old, had been poisoned in their classrooms by a contaminated spray that caused the girls to suffer from vomiting, headaches, and dizziness. The attack occurred at the Ashan Dara Girls School in Talokhan, the provincial capital.
A report by Radio Free Afghanistan said that some of the girls reported smelling a foul odor before falling unconscious. One of the victims of the attack told the press that, “When I entered the class I smelled something and then I started to vomit and fall unconscious; I don’t remember what happened after that.”
We Humans are indeed our own worst enemy. We must change--We must change--We must change! After all, the Christian Far Right is only one step behind doing the very same thing.

After all--Here in the United States--In the Name of Jesus-->
From the website of New Orleans Women's Health Clinic which specifically helped "marginalized women," poor women, women of color, and transgender women as well as HIV/AIDS patients:
Thanks to the fast response of all of our supporters across the country, many of you have already heard that our office was broken into last night and set on fire. The worst damage was concentrated in our community organizing and outreach office where we store all of the resources we use to educate our community. We lost everything. We do not have an office to operate out of right now. Most of our office equipment and all of our educational resources were destroyed. Because of the targeted nature, we can only assume that this was intentional.
    Read more

AS IF!!!

I am sorry for being this dark--but there is too much darkness in the world to ignore it. After all, ignoring it will not make it go away.  We can not support the haters by keeping silent about their evil deeds. We need to expose their evil deed to the light of knowledge so that they be held responsible and their evil deeds become a thing of the past that happen no longer.--Especially The Evil Deed of Hate In The Holy Name Of Jesus, Who LOVED the World So Much that He Gave His Life to Save It.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back 2 Reality Part II

Check Out These Awesome Startup Employee Perks - This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Startup life isn’t ea...

Perks and benefits go a long way to keep employees from leaving and working hard.After all, few if any businesses grow when managers are the kind of bosses that no one works for -- for very long. Take the Cleaning Service that I use to work for--for example. It was incorporated as a small business in 1984 and remained a small business if not an even smaller business now than when it first got started.

ResumeBear: Some Help For Struggling Job Seekers - If you’re looking to get to work right now, Tom Busby has five tips to give your job hunt a boost. Busby is the founder and CEO of DTI, the Diversified Trading Institute. He’s bringing his wealth o...

Enough Said.

Take Back Your Life in Seven Simple Steps - Tony Schwartz - Harvard Business Review - In my most recent blog, I wrote about how we've allowed technology to take a pernicious toll on our attention, and in turn, on our creativity, our resilience, our relationships and, ultimately, our...

This is also why minimum wage jobs need to be also a living wage. After  all, the less a person makes per hour the more hours they need to work for such luxuries as food  clothing and shelter, which also means no sick days off- no matter how sick a person is. The bottom line is the more people’s lives are swallowed up by their jobs –the more society pays the price.  After all, If a parent is working 90 hours a week just to pay bills, with what time and what energy are they spending time with their children??  This is why we still need Unions  and why ‘Big Businesses’ and ALL businesses need to pay a livable wage—is good for all.

How to Be Happier at Work - Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, and Paul B. Brown - Harvard Business Review - It would be nice to think that you're going to be just as excited about going to work tomorrow as you were on your first day on the job. But between increased workloads caused by your company's rel...

And then sometimes, we all just got to make the most out of a bad situation. I don't know about anyone else; but I confess that the only reason that I work is because of all the bills that I have to pay. If I could have an endless supply of money--without working--I would love to do many things and go many places and what not--But unfortunately, I live in the Real World where that is either impossible and/or illegal.

Motivate Your Workforce: Be Curious - A five-step assignment to convey your interest in your team, and spur a sense of belonging. I recently spoke with a CEO about his workforce. He felt his team wasn't very motivated and asked me what..

Interesting, maybe even I could become an Assistant Manager or Manager, even though I am not naturally a leader. I am a far better follower than leader, but then again, I am still learning to be me. I may be 50+ years old, but God is not done with me, yet--I am still a work in-progress.

Denmark's eco-fashion crusader

Copenhagen, Denmark (CNN) -- Be prepared, the next big thing facing a green makeover might just be your closet.
Campaigning for sexy, sustainable fashionThe glitzy world of fashion and design doesn't typically conjure up images of sustainability and social consciousness, but if its up to Eva Kruse, CEO of the Danish Fashion Institute and Chairman of the Nordic Fashion Association, that's all going to change.

Ah, Good-Excellent-Superb--A social and ecological conscious business, what the world needs more of.

Then, again, with any luck and a wing and a prayer may be--just maybe one or all of these can help someone--somewhere--somehow.

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Tuesday Morning's Back 2 Reality

Today's Action

Eat Cleansing Foods

It's Monday! Why not start the week off with healthy eating?
Fresh foods like apples and blueberries are "cleansing" foods. They cleanse the detoxification organs in your body like the liver, intestines, kidneys and skin, preventing harmful toxic buildup. That means these foods can ward off the harmful effects of pollution, second-hand smoke, food additives and other toxins.
For today's Daily Action, eat these 15 cleansing foods.
I don't know about anyone else, but I have not seen this 'Action' until today, Tuesday. Oh, well, thus is life. In addition, I don't know about anyone else, but I have yet to do my grocery shopping and this does sound like a good idea and a delicious idea. After all, I love fruit, actually I love eating (period) which is why losing weight is so very hard for me to do: not only that, but also, I confess I have this tendency toward conception,which is why I am definitely going to remember blueberries when I go shopping today.

Will conspiracies theories finallly be put to rest? READ MORE

Speaking of one of my 'pet peeves'--all these conspiracy theories are one of them. IMO it is pure B.S. that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. 1) We Americans cannot keep a secret for any length of time; i.e. America's Book of Secrets, which is a television show that if America had any secrets these are them--which proves once again--Americans can not keep a secret for any length of time. 2)The Republicans could not be responsible--After all, if they were then why--Oh Why did not the Democrats use it against President Reagan to keep him from getting re-elected is such a landslide that he was re-elected in-in 1984. 3) The very same thing can be said about the Democrats--if they were responsible then why--Oh, Why did not the Republicans use it to soften the blow of 'Watergate' back in the 70's.--Both, IMO, for the same reason--Neither were responsible, because Oswald Acted Alone. 

The “underground” is always with us. For better and often for worse, it’s how marginalized populations tend to survive—often not very well. READ MORE

THIS IS SO SO VERY VERY TRUE--I KNOW BECAUSE I WAS HERE!!! I ONCE LIVED THIS!! When I was conned into working 'under the table'  for the once legit Cleaning Service. Supervisor 'Jane' may have claim that she and her sister/ boss Lora was doing us a 'favor' by employing us 'tax-free'. No matte how many times she was claiming 'The Holy Spirit', she was not Bull Shitting anyone. The Truth was that no one could afford to quit, Working for them may have been low paying, but at the time working for them was better than no job at all. 

After all, without W-2's we could not claim working credit, which cost us Dearly at tax time. In addition, without W-2's, we could not buy anything on credit, such as a car or apply for credit cards or any thing else--Especially for any Medical services--WHICH MEANT WE NOT ONLY WORKED WITHOUT HEALTH CARE, BUT WE WORKED WITHOUT A WAY TO GET HEALTH CARE ON CREDIT-- BUT THE ABSOLUTE WORST THING ABOUT ALL THEIR LIES AND DECEPTIONS--USE AND ABUSE OF EMPLOYEES THAT THEY WERE ALL SAID AND DONE WHILE HIDING BEHIND THE NAME OF JESUS. That doesn't even include all the Games that they played with paycheckS from Forgetting to mail THEM and waiting for a phone call and conveniently being too busy on paydayS to answer the phone so that the questions of--where's the pay checkS would be ALL recorded on voice mailS-- To filling out the amount wrong--I.E. when pay check should read $350.00, but is written out as Three dollars and fifty--anything to keep an employee from cashing the check on payday--AS IF THAT'S THE WAY JESUS WOULD OPERATE.

This is why I do my very best to pass on every thing I can about jobs and even starting a business, so that no one--no one else on this God's Green Earth get stuck for working for anyone one as ruthless and abusive as I once worked for--BUT AMEN AND GLORI HALLELUJAH--THEY WERE 'HOLY GHOST FILLED CHRISTIAN TEA-PARTY REPUBLICANS--SO EVERY THING 'JANE' AND LORA DID WAS JUSTIFIED AND JUSTIFIABLE. AS IF!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Here is 2 An Happier, Healthier Memorial Day and all the days there after.

5 Best Foods to Boost Memory
5 Best Foods to Boost Memory
Fond of your memory? Treasure your brain? Don't want to lose them to Alzheimer's? We've got 5 tasty ways to nourish your noodle . . . Read more.

 The Green That's Good for Gums
The Green That's Good for Gums

from Spirit

How Are You Going To Meet Life’s Challenges?

Recently, I noticed that my kids are entering adulthood just as I’m leaving it. My friend Lisa asked me where I am going, and to tell her the tr...
posted by Pamela Madsen

from Beauty

12 Surprising Uses for Mayonnaise

  Mayonnaise isn’t just for sandwiches! From restoring furniture to combating lice, check out some fantastic ways to use mayo. Related: 12 ...
posted by Katie Waldeck
18 Ways to Shape Up for Swimsuit Season
18 Ways to Shape Up for Swimsuit Season It's time for tank tops, shorts, and swimsuits. We've got 18 no-equipment-needed exercises to help you slim down, tone up, and strut your stuff . . . Read more.
Top 3 Causes of Male Balding
Top 3 Causes of Male Balding
10 Ways to Keep Eyes Young10 Ways to Keep Eyes YoungMedicine You Should Never Give KidsMedicine You Should Never Give Kids