Hi Barbara - Well, here is to hoping that blogging is just as good as forwarding.
Nyack has sent you a message:
PLEASE FORWARD!!! Thanks- Nyack
Defend Canada's Environment Against Big Oil This Sunday ! PLEASE TAKE ACTION ! !
Cher - 8 hours ago - thepetitio

PLEASE FORWARD!!! Thanks- Nyack
Defend Canada's Environment Against Big Oil This Sunday ! PLEASE TAKE ACTION ! !
Prime Minister Harper's
recent budget bill plans to gut Canada's environmental laws and
fast-track the approval process for tar sands pipelines. Harper wants
to limit public participation in environmental assessments and roll
back key protections http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/174/874/126/
The Paycheck Fairness Act is coming up for a vote next week--and the vote is going to be really close.
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2012 UCS Science and Democracy Editorial Cartoon Contest
Enter the Contest by July 1
Dear Read the Union of Concerned Scientists are looking for a person with artistic ability, which is not me. I could not draw myself out of a paper bag, I do at times have a way with words--but I am no artist. However If there is anyone reading this who does have any artistic ability--then please consider the following,We're looking for a few good artists.
Today, the Union of Concerned Scientists is launching the 2012 UCS Science and Democracy Editorial Cartoon Contest. We're seeking cartoons that explore the complex relationship between science and democracy in America.By the Way, Good Luck and God Speed to all who enter contest, may the best person win and in addition I am also passing the following along for your consideration.
Twelve cartoons will be selected as finalists to be featured in the 2013 UCS Science and Democracy Calendar. Then, we'll ask the public to choose the best cartoon, which will go on the calendar's cover. Each artist who submits an entry that is chosen as a finalist will receive a cash prize.
Check out the contest web page for more information about entering and guidance on relevant topic areas. You can also see some wonderful cartoons from our previous contests.
Entries are due July 1, 2012. Best of luck, and please forward this message to the most creative minds in your life!
In a giant step toward equality today, a federal appeals court ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.The decision was clear: the law treats same-sex couples as second-class citizens – and that's a violation of fundamental rights.But despite losing over and over again in court, House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are still planning to fight for DOMA all the way to the Supreme Court, if need be – dumping millions of taxpayer dollars into defending discrimination.DOMA hurts our families. But Boehner and Cantor won't focus on repealing DOMA instead of continuing to defend it unless we rally right now – their decision to appeal today's ruling could come any hour, so we don't have much time to act.President Obama ordered the Department of Justice to stop defending the DOMA case in court over a year ago. His leadership was critical to the progress we have made.But Boehner and Cantor, reacting to the anti-LGBT fringe of their party, stepped in to use House resources – our taxpayer dollars – to make sure this terrible law was defended.Even in a time when our federal budget is already strapped, they have committed up to $1.5 million taxpayer dollars to fight for this outdated law – and as this and other cases challenging DOMA continue, we could be looking at millions moreThe anti-gay House Republican leadership needs see the writing on the wall. Already a vast majority of Americans oppose DOMA and want it repealed. The House already has a bill before it – the Respect for Marriage Act – which would get rid of DOMA's discrimination once and for all.This ruling marks a critical juncture in the battle for marriage equality. With enough voices speaking out, Boehner and Cantor will have no choice but to consider the cost of their continued defense of DOMA.With continued pressure and hard work, we can make DOMA a thing of the past.Proud, excited, and determined,.
Thank You for your time and consideration and most importantly for your readership, Thank You very very much.