On last night's Real Time, Bill Maher chatted with Arsenio Hall about a number of issues, among them the importance -- from a racial perspective -- of Obama winning a second term. "If the first Black president only has one term, America reads that as a failure," Maher noted. "This is what the right wing hopes and prays for more than anything else: that America looks at this one-term president and goes, 'Well ya know what? We tried a Black guy, but it just didn't work.'" Maher's theory is that Obama is aware of all this, and that's why he's been so conservative in his first term. He also says that "for the sake of Black America, he needs the second term." Read more
What is Bill Maher talking about?!?!?!? After all, he should have said for the Sake of Most Americans--" [Obama] Needs a Second Term"!!! and the reasons are the following-->
GOP To States: Stop Looking For Poor Children To Insure!
Yet another reason why the poor should Not Vote Republican.For many poor children — and their families — the ability to access health care has literally meant the difference between growing up strong and being plagued by chronic illness. Access to doctors, well-checks, preventative care, and the ability to treat smaller illnesses and conditions before they can grow into something devastating, and all without bankrupting already struggling families, has literally been a lifesaver.
And Republicans think we need to nip that in the bud. . . .
Scott Walker Spends Loads Of Cash, Gets Nothing.
This is why the Republicans are really bad for business. After all, it is the Middle Class that is the true foundation of society, without a Strong Middle Class; the United States becomes another 'Banana Republic'. Since there cannot be a Middle Class without Middle Class Wages, which If up to the Republicans and Big Business, there would not be as sure as there would not be any Unions.Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) may be raising a ridiculous amount of money in his recall election, but he’s spending a ridiculous amount as well. And it seems as though he’s not getting much for all that spending.
As Greg Sargent reports, a new Marquette Law School poll has Walker and potential recall opponent Tom Barrett in a dead heat, with Barrett edging Walker by 47-46 among registered Wisconsin voters. And Walker’s approval rating, and his head-to-head numbers with Barrett haven’t moved in any direction but slightly down for months.
Iowa Gov. Nominates Catholic Priest For State Medical Board
What do you do if your a radical anti-abortion Governor and you can’t make the courts do your bidding? You pack the state’s medical board.This is why every open minded Christian and everyone who is of a Non-Christian Faith had better think twice before even thinking about Voting Republican, who are too wrapped up with Fundamental Christians, not to try to make the United States into a Theocracy. So if a person want to vote AWAY their Freedom of Religion---All they have to do is vote Republican.
First Iowa Gov. Terry Brandstad (R) nominated a Dubuque anti-abortion activist for a seat on the Iowa Board of Medicine, but the Iowa Senate rejected that nomination. Branstad In response Brandstad nominated a prominent Catholic priest for the spot.
The medical board licenses physicians and is involved in abortion politics when anti-abortion activists file complaints about providers. Branstad’s first choice, Colleen Pasnick is a past director of the Family Life Office for the Archdiocese of Dubuque and a past employee of Dubuque County Right to Life
And there are Some Republicans who actually have the nerve to call President Obama a Dictator, while the Republican Party Would Dictate to American Women on whether they have the right to chose to become Mothers or not, Nor how many children they choose to have. For those who do not believe me--I offer up this proof-->
Dictator Obama Issues New Threat to Supreme Court Over ObamaCare
Based on a Story that the Canada Free Press got from Fox News--Fox News the network that is known throughout the United States for being Nothing More than Right-Wing Propraganda.
Carol - 1 day ago - canadafreepress.com
In his latest display of his full USA federal government dictatorship over both the American people and the former co-branches of government, Dictator Obama is warning the Supreme Court to either rule in his favor or face severe consequences
The Texas-Planned Parenthood legal roller-coaster continues. On Monday, a federal judge granted an injunction barring the state from barring Planned Parenthood from the state's health care program for low-income women. Then, on Tuesday, Judge Jerry Smith ((He was nominated by President Ronald Reagan)) of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that ruling.Today, a three-judge panel from the appeals court ruled again in favor of Planned Parenthood, reinstating the injunction at least until a lower court can hear formal arguments. Read more
And, Yet, the Republicans Claim that there is No War on Women's Rights Nor a War on Women's Health--If that were true--This would not be happening.
On yesterday's episode of Moyers & Company, Bill Moyers sat down with novelist Luis Alberto Urrea, "whose life is the stuff of great novels." Via the Moyers & Company website:Son of a Mexican father and Anglo mother, Urrea grew up first in Tijuana and then just across the border in San Diego. Over the years he has produced a series of acclaimed novels, including The Hummingbird’s Daughter, The Devil’s Highway, and his latest, Queen of America — each a rich and revealing account of the people of the borderlands that join and separate our two nations. Read more
The question becomes what Mexican-American in there right mind will vote Republican and against themselves.
And these few--very few articles are only the tip of a very very large Iceberg--as the saying goes to post them all would not nor could not fit on one blog--it would indeed fill up the blog-esvere.
***P.S.*** There is a petition that is sponsored by the DCCC-(Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) which I would like all my fellow Americans who have not yet sign to at least consider--Thank You
Rachel is right: according to the U.S. Census Bureau, women still only make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men. According to a new report, "Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations..." [IWPR, April 2012].Sign the petition to help us reach 100,000 strong telling Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act.--->http://www.dccc.org/pages/equal-pay--And Again, Thank You.
But Republicans are standing opposed to Fair Pay laws. House Republicans voted nearly unanimously against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Just a few weeks ago, Republican Governor Scott Walker repealed Wisconsin’s Equal Pay law.
So Is there really any question left to which side the Republican Party is on when it comes to Equal Rights . . . . . . And why women as much as African-Americans Need to Re-Elect President Barack Obama.
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