Help Stop the Hunting of Polar Bears for Profit! |
With all the domestic live stock we raise. I do not understand the need to shoot down a species who numbers are dwindling as is. Don't get me wrong--I am not anti-hunting,especially if and when we are talking about a species who is in danger of over-population or an invasive species such as--I think it is called the Asian Carp that is threatening the eco-balance of the Great Lakes--They do need to be hunted and fished to extinction or at least to small enough numbers to stop doing damage to the native populations of fish.Despite the growing threats of climate change, toxic pollution and oil development that jeopardize the very existence of polar bears, hunters continue to kill hundreds of them every year -- and are allowed to sell their body parts legally in the international market.
For today's Daily Action, tell President Obama to lead the way globally by proposing an urgently-needed ban on the commercial trade in polar bear parts at the next meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
3 Ways to Bring Out Your Inner Optimist |
When life gets you down, how do you respond? What sparks of hope do you chase after until the sun shines again? For today's secondary action, learn about three ways you can bring out your inner optimist!
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I don't know about anyone else, but for me--there needs to be a limit how much news that I watch or else I end up 'down in the dumps'. But what really gets me 'down in the dumps' are with all the mailing lists that I am on for one charity after another--all of which are good causes--The truth of the matter is I cannot afford to support each and every charity or political appeal that I get in the mail and/or e-mail. I do my best, but I can only do so much--which for me, highly depressing to say No as many times that I do, If only I could afford to say Yes to them all, but then I would end up in bankruptcy, yet again.
Personally what picks me up are being able to do good--which is why I enjoy being part of the Care2 community sooo very much.
In addition, there are time when my e-mail has many things about jobs and especially about employment that I get to pass on and hopefully and prayerfully get to be a 'blessing' to someone who is job hunting. After all, I have been unemployed and know how much unemployment "Sucks"!
In addition, I also enjoy passing on environmental and other life saving petitions. After all, being part of the change for the better--feels soooo very good.
Last, but not least, there are nights like last night, when I had a baseball outing with both my grown sons, which doesn't happen that much any more, since they have grown up with lives of their own--not that there is anything wrong with that, but sometimes I miss the good old days when we were closer and they needed me. Last night with them was so very special, since not only did our team--The Cleveland Indians win 5-3, but especially since my older son did the driving. I confess I hate driving in Downtown Cleveland, because there are so many rude drivers who cut people off left and right as if they are the only ones who would like to get home as quickly as possible.
Dear Reader, there are limits to what I can do alone, but together we can do far more. I promise to see how much I can afford to give, even if it is only a few dollars and hope and pray that others can do the same--if not for this drive then for another drive. After all, we share the world so we also share the responsibility of taking care of the world. I understand and respect that many of us, myself included, can only afford to give so much of it away--I cannot ask more from others than they can afford, because none of us want to give ourselves into bankruptcy, so I will do my best to give what I can and ask the same of all.
We know how much you care about the environment and our planet.
But, like you, we are deeply concerned with the anti-science, anti-clean air assaults we are seeing from Congress and the lavishly funded Dirty Air lobby.
That's why we're turning to you, one of our most loyal supporters -- because we need all the help we can get.
Will you make a donation to support our 2012 Annual Fund campaign today?
Our goal is to raise $750,000 by May 31 when our important two-month campaign comes to an end. Barbara, we've crunched the numbers and are right now $72,905 short of our goal.
In April we asked you to pitch in to help us get half way to our goal. Many stepped up and contributed.
But, we're fewer than 10 days away and need your help today to close our $72,905 gap. With so much at stake, these funds are critical in our effort to fight the onslaught of attacks and stand strong for clean energy and a safer climate future in the coming year.
That's why I encourage you to make your 2012 Annual Fund contribution today. Please help us reach our goal.
Too often these days, science is turned into a "wedge issue" by politicians and their industrial enablers.
It's not just that many politicians reject the overwhelming scientific consensus that global warming is real and that it is already throwing our climate out of whack. On a more fundamental level, they seem to be rejecting science itself.
Some even openly question whether air pollution threatens our health and the health of our kids.
But, EDF will not back down. Together with your Annual Fund support, we will sustain the largest team of Ph.D. scientists and economists of any comparable environmental advocacy organization. And it will strengthen our ability to link cutting-edge science to defining our objectives for climate, energy, oceans, ecosystems and human health.
So please, make an urgent donation today.
Year after year, EDF science has been the foundation for environmental and conservation victories and advances, both large and small. In each case, that science was supported by Annual Fund contributions like the one I urge you to make today.
I hope you'll be generous, and I applaud you for your support for EDF.
Sam Parry
p.s. there is even more action needed, which is-->
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![]() Tell Democrats: End the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
Dear Reader, I would also like to pass on this e-mail for your consideration; Thank You.
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