Do You Know The Truth About Fracking? |
The problem that we have here in Ohio is Our Governor Kasich sold out Our Environment to the 'Big Business' a.k.a.--oil and gas companies. What can I say--Governor Kasich is not paid to care about the environment--only to give the environment lip service. What is worse--Speaker of the House Boehner is doing the same thing in the House of Representatives. Yes, Ohio owes the rest of the country many apologies for electing these Republican 'Problem Children' to office.In communities across the country, people are learning about fracking the hard way.
Take Ohio, for example. A year ago, few people knew what fracking was. Now it's the center of a political firestorm, with citizens rallying against it and the oil and gas industry pressuring state officials to protect their "right" to frack.
In Ohio and across the county, ordinary people are arming themselves with knowledge and stepping up to protect themselves.
You need to know how fracking could affect you and your loved ones. For today's Daily Action, take this quiz and see how much you really know about fracking.
This brings up another point--This is why we need to KEEP SHERROD BROWN IN THE SENATE--OHIO PLEASE-OH PLEASE-DON'T SEND ANOTHER 'PROBLEM CHILD' To Washington D.C.!!!!!
Yes, here in Ohio, we do have many propaganda commerials that claim the piping is save As If iron and steel doe not crack.
Yes, we in Ohio should care about our ground water. After all, my sister and her husband live in rural Nelson Township, where they have well water, like many Ohio farmers. What we need to remember is--with WHAT WATER DOES ANY ONE THINK THAT THE OHIO FARMER IS IRRIGATING THEIR CROPS--THE VERY SAME FOOD THAT END UP ON OUR DINNER TABLES--THEY ARE USING THE WATER THAT THEY HAVE--WELL WATER!!!! CAN ANY ONE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT CROPS IRRIGATED WITH POLLUTED WATER NOT BECOME CONTAMINATED?!?!?!?
By the way, I took the quiz and scored an 80% , but I should have read one list of answer more carefully, because that was a rather careless mistake that I made.
Since ending 'Fracking' is a matter of health--I believe that I will dedicate the rest of this blog to health issues; so that we all 'Live Long and Proper' as the Vulcans of Star Trek say.
Put Snoring to Bed for Good |
Does your partner's snoring make your bedroom sound like Grand Central Station at rush hour? Snoring can signal a serious health issue . . . Read more.
4 Tips for Healthier Summer Barbecues | ||
Love firing up the grill? Check out these four mouthwatering tips and tricks to make your barbecue tastier --and healthier -- this summer . . . Read more. |
Personally, it feels like I am tired all the time, which is why I am looking into how much B complex Vitamins that I am getting, along with iron. Knowing me, probably not enough.Constant aches from fibromyalgia are physically and mentally exhausting. Use these 8 tips to boost your energy and combat daily fibro pain . . . Read more.
We Can Not Say No To 'Fracking' With Out Say Yes To Something Else
Dear Reader, that is why I am passing on this e-mail;Thanks to the public comments you and many other Ohioans submitted, we have Congress and the White House's attention on the importance of renewing the wind production tax credit (PTC).
President Obama even included clean energy manufacturing jobs and the PTC on his "To Do List" he sent to Congress earlier this week.1 There is a growing and strong bipartisan support for renewal of the PTC in the Senate thanks to the actions of people like you.
But now we need to finish the job. Take the next step in our campaign and help build public support by writing a short letter to the editor.
Every day thousands of people read letters to the editor, which makes them a quick and effective means of communicating our message to a wide audience. Talking points, some tips about submitting to local Ohio papers, and a sample letter are all provided. We'll even help you get yours published!
Click here to write a short letter to your local newspaper today.
Ohio led the nation in 2011 for new wind energy and saw an overall 950% increase in new installations. 3,000-4,000 jobs are already supporting Ohio wind and 75,000 jobs are involved with wind nationwide.2
Help us spread the word and support the wind energy industry, make our energy clean and green and bring new jobs home to Ohio.
Thanks for all you do to move Ohio forward,
Neil Waggoner
Beyond Coal Campaign
Sierra Club
Write a Letter Supporting Wind Energy Jobs for Ohio
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