GOP: Obama’s Swing-State Trips a Misuse of Taxpayer Funds
Republicans have filed a complaint with government investigators charging that President Barack Obama is misusing taxpayer funds by traveling to important battleground states for what they say appear to be thinly veiled campaign events.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office dated Wednesday maintaining that the president is cutting his campaign costs by using Air Force One and government-supplied transportation under the guise of official travel.
"President Bush leaving Las Vegas on Air Force One in August 2004" As If That Was Not A Campaign Stop During President George W. Bush's Re-Election. And in addition there is--I wonder how many other living and Dead Ohio Voters got this letter at Tax Payer Expense????
You might ask what the Treasurer of Ohio wrote in his official Ohio Treasurer Envelope--that is a good question and deserves an answer which is--->
Dear Conservative Neighbor,
I have some very important news to share with you.
After a fast-paced primary election season, Ohio Republicans have officially selected me as their nominee to defeat the most liberal member of the United States Senate, Democrat Sherrod Brown.
Brown is an out of touch liberal extremist, and Ohio and America deserve better.
That is why I am reaching out to you and a handful of top Conservative activists to ask you to pledge your support to my insurgent conservative campaign to wrest this Senate seat from Brown and the liberals--And give it back to the people.
Please take a moment to sign the enclosed Pledge of Support and then rush it back to me along with a sponsoring contribution of $2,500, $1,000, $500 or $100 to Citizens for Josh Mandel
Any amount you can spare will be very helpful. I need donations of $70, $35 or even just $20. Every dollar you send will be truly appreciated--And is urgently needed
The Autobiography of Josh Mandel and the Mandel Family . . . .
Which concludes with-->
So please, sign your Pledge of Support and return it in the postage paid envelope provided, along with a contripution of $2,500 , $1,000 , $500 , $250 , $100 , $70 , $35 or even $20 to Citizens for Josh Mandel.
I look forward to working with you throughout this campaign. And I want you to know that when I become Ohio's new U. S. Senator, I WILL defend our Constitution, repeal ObamaCare, Keep taxes low, cut wasteful spending and defend our values and freedoms.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to consider my appeal for support. Please let me hear from you today!
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