Dear Reader, I am passing most of this e-mail along, because Fox has gotten away with calling Propaganda-News for far too long. They should have had their license pulled long time ago, but as the saying goes better late than never.
FOX News' parent company, News Corporation, is embroiled in a phone hacking scandal that has shone a spotlight on the detestable practices its owner, Rupert Murdoch, promotes as journalism.The ever-growing scandal has shut down one newspaper, led to multiple arrests and numerous resignations in the UK, and an FBI investigation into allegations that News Corp. staff may have sought to hack the voicemail of victims of 9/11 and their families in the US.And now a committee in the UK parliament has issued a report blasting both Rupert Murdoch and his son James (also an executive at News Corp.) for their complicity in the scandal, concluding that Rupert Murdoch is "not a fit person to exercise stewardship of a major international company."
It's time for the FCC to take action. The law requires that the FCC consider the "character" of media owners when deciding whether to grant, deny or revoke a broadcast license.We already knew that the hacking activities at the center of the scandal were not limited to a few rogue reporters, but reflect systematic orchestration from the highest levels of NewsCorp. This new report, however, is the clearest evidence yet that the rot went all the way to the top.
With the law saying that the FCC should consider Murdoch's "character," this recent report detailing both his willful blindness that contributed to the phone hacking scandal and his lack of candor in his testimony about his role, ought to enough to call the issue into question.As Melanie Sloan, the Executive Director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) — the nonpartisan watchdog group — aptly put it, "If [Rupert and James Murdoch] are not passing the character standard under British law, it seems to me that they are not going to meet the character standard in America."CREW has already sent a letter to the FCC demanding that the commission revoke News Corp.'s broadcast licenses.But the commission is likely to flout the law unless significant public pressure can be brought to bear.We need to speak out. . . .

Dear Reader, I am also passing most of this e-mail along. Thank You for your time and consideration.
Last week I wrote to tell you about my own experiences as a mother and how that’s allowed me to identify with the families we help at Share Our Strength. With Mother’s Day less than a week away, I’m back to share an inspiring story of a mother named Lareese. With your help, we can help other moms like her and ensure their kids get connected to the nutritious meals they need to grow and thrive.
Every parent wants to be able to provide for their children, but, unfortunately, some struggle to put healthy meals on the table. Lareese, a recent dental assistant graduate looking for work, is also a single mother raising ten-year-old Ashanti and four-year-old Demont. They live in a small, low-income housing community in Maryland.
Like so many moms, Lareese worked hard to balance her limited resources from food assistance programs — like SNAP and WIC — to put food on the table for her family. Despite her best efforts, Lareese often found herself running short on groceries before their benefits renewed. Then she learned about Share Our Strength’s Cooking Matters through her volunteer work at a local community center. The program teaches families like Lareese’s the skills they need to stretch their food budgets and to cook healthy and affordable meals at home. Now Lareese can better provide for her family and is a passionate advocate for the Cooking Matters program.
“Before, I would get maybe two things with my six-dollar WIC check,” says Lareese. “After taking the Cooking Matters class, I can triple the value of my WIC check and feel good about what I’m feeding my children. The program has changed my life.”
Today when Lareese goes shopping for her family, she takes the time to read ingredients and nutrition facts, compares unit prices and shops for the best deals. She believes that providing healthy meals for her family is one of the most important things she can do as a mother — and she wants to make sure Ashanti and Demont don’t grow up to have diabetes and high blood pressure.
Mothers like Lareese are critical to making sure their children are surrounded with healthy meals where they live, learn and play. You can help now by making a tax-deductible donation and sending a beautifully designed No Kid Hungry e-card to honor a mother in your life. . . .
Dear Reader, there is yet another e-mail that I need to pass on, with Mother's Day approaching, do not all Women need to be protected against Violence;
paying attention. But we have a powerful way to fight back: We can show them the faces of the hundreds of thousands of us--in every state and city in the country--who are. Can you take a moment to snap photo of yourself holding a message telling Congress to reauthorize the expanded Violence Against Women Act? It's easy and a very powerful way to get our message across. Click here:
You can get our special printable sign and find everything else you need to send in your photo right here.We'll work with our allies to display your photos in the halls of Congress--so every representative will have to look you straight in the eye next week as they try to argue why LGBTQ, undocumented and Native American women don't deserve protection from domestic abuse.It's shocking that this is even a debate. The Violence Against Women Act has been repeatedly expanded and reauthorized by overwhelming bi-partisan majorities since it was first passed in 1994.3 The law ensures over 500,000 law enforcement officers receive special training in domestic abuse, helps strengthen state and local laws against stalking and sex crimes, and funds countless non-profit community centers that serve women who need a safe haven and a fresh start.4Reauthorizing this bill is--quite literally--a matter of life and death. This is no time to play divide-and-conquer to score political points. Such as-->Please take a moment and send in your picture, either with our sign or one of your own. Let's take a united stand--for all people.
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