As investigations continue of a potential terror plot in this week's clinic fires in two different offices of doctors who either perform abortions or spoke out against the Georgia 20-week abortion bant, other providers around the country are being warned to stay alert.According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, National Abortion Federation sent out notifications to their network, alerting providers of the Georgia burglaries and arson, and telling them that although there is no evidence of attacks outside the state, they should still be vigilant. Read more
The question of the day--On this Sunday of Pentecost--Is why is this Evil being done in Jesus Name.
This is not show Love--It is Judgment and condemnation--which is not our job--That is the job of the Holy Spirit that He does from within the person--a.k.a the conscience.
THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO END ABORTIONS--ABORTIONS ARE THE LAST RESORT. IF we really want to end Abortions, then we must do more with Birth Control and adoptions. After all, the only good thing about a legal abortion is that it is better than an illegal one, which was motived by pure Greed and very little to no concern for the woman.
p.s. Not to forget that the United States is a Secular Nation, NOT a Theocracy. In addition, there is that slippery slope factor--once we Women start losing our Rights when and where will it stop?!?!?!?
Remember the Dinesh D'Souza book that charged Barack Obama with getting all his ideas from a father he met only a couple of times? The one that made the cover of Forbes, and that Newt Gingrich was quoting for a while?Well, now we learn from The New York Times that D'Souza has a fan and financial patron for this work -- Joe Ricketts, the guy who for whom that Jeremiah Wright attack ad was being prepared until theTimes wrote about it last week: Read more
If only people would--Wake up and Smell the Coffee--President Obama really was Born in the United States.
IF Only we can stick to the REAL ISSUES--The Economy, The Environment, The Infrastructure and last, but not least Health Care for All.
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