Record-breaking weather, farmers losing crops, banks repossessing land
from the poor, a president scorned by his opponents for socialism. We've
seen this before. READ MORE»
Oh, I hope NOT, but what we are doing to our own environment by such activity as 'fracking' and all the excess of carbon that is in the atmosphere, we probably are. The worst thing about that is--would it be a wake up call or not. We caused the first dust bowl with poor farming methods. The problem with that is that since it did happen before there are deniers who claim that it is just part of 'weather cycles'.
We need to Stop being so Greedy, start changing our ways, from fossil fuels to reusable energy, before we 'Frack' away our Future.
Yes, I did sign. I am passing on this e-mail with the hope that everyone who can--will join us or at least pass it on to those who are able or maybe even both--THANK YOU;
Thanks for signing our petition calling for a federal ban on
hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking. Will you help us spread
the word by sharing this action with family and friends?

Click here to share this action on facebook

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You can also forward the email below to friends and family - but please, only send to people you know. Spam hurts our campaign.
Fracking -- the drilling process technically
known as hydraulic fracturing where water, chemicals and sand are
blasted at high velocity into underground fissures to release natural
gas -- has been linked to pollution, flammable tap water and even
earthquakes. But despite the dangers, state legislatures across the U.S.
are letting the fracked gas industry write its own regulations,
essentially letting the frackers do whatever they want.
Pennsylvania and Ohio have already passed such
laws and a dozen more states are planning to follow suit. And as coal
plants shut down throughout the U.S., they're being replaced by power
plants fueled by fracked natural gas, so unless we do something we'll
simply have traded one evil for another.
Fortunately, Environmental Action is fighting
back - they're part of a big national coalition fighting fracking the
states, and calling for a nation-wide ban on this dangerous drilling.
They're planning big events to show public opposition to fracking this
summer, can you join me in signing on now to support a nationwide ban on
fracking, before it's too late?
Drew, Colin and the Environmental Action Team
The top two corporations on the Fortune 500 Global ranking,
Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil, announced their 2012 second-quarter
earnings today, bringing the total profits for three Big Oil companies
to $44 billion for 2012 or $250,000 every day this year. Exxon profited
by $16 billion this quarter, bringing its earnings for 2012 to $25
The New York Times wrote that Exxon and Shell’s earnings “disappoint,”
because energy prices unexpectedly dropped for consumers this summer.
Put their profits in the appropriate context, however, and Exxon and
Shell still made a combined $160,000 per minute last quarter, even though the top five oil companies benefit from $2.4 billion federal tax breaks every year. READ MORE
If only some bosses could or would understand that their employees are other businesses costumers. When they short change their employees then other businesses suffer because their costumers have less money to spend. After all, those businesses that suffer employs the costumers of . . . Around and around we go where we stop we never know--NOT IN THIS GLOBAL ECONOMY-AFTER ALL, IN EVERY FAMILY AND CITY AND STATE AND NATION--WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER--FOR BETTER AND FOR WORSE--SO LET US ALL STRIVE FOR THE BETTER--THIS BLOG IS MY MEAGER ATTEMPT.
Yes, I did sign the petition and now I am passing on this e-mail with the hope that everyone who is able to join me will join me--if possible, since there is no guarantee that this is an Inter-National petition-AGAIN THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION;
Thanks for adding your name!
Stand with President Obama: Sign the petition telling Republicans to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
The Senate is on record, extending middle class tax cuts while
ending the Bush tax cuts for the rich. Now the House is set to vote.
If you agree with the President that the rich should pay their fair share, please forward this email to 3 of your friends right now and encourage them to add their name at
You can also share this petition on Facebook and Twitter:
Thank you for your support!
After all, corporations need to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee--THE BACK BONE OF SOCIETY IS THE MIDDLE CLASS --THE MIDDLE CLASS FAMILY TO BE MORE PRECISE--BUT Please Remember THE FAMILY comes in many forms and many shapes and many colors.