Good Question-Excellent Question-In short, I Do Not Know The Answer. One thing that I do know is that I am beginning to get mad enough to fight BACK. AS IF The One and Only Way to be A True Christian is to Goose Step Goose Step Behind The Cross of Jesus--No Questions Asked--ONLY Amening Each and Every Thing The Pastor Says--Even When They Are Actually Speaking HATE and/or Reading From The Republican Party Platform.A loyal AlterNet reader raises key questions about the role of faith and religion in the battle for social change. READ MORE
Yes, We Are the Body of Christ. Yes, We are Becoming more and more divided and sub-divided, for which I put the Blame on the Conservatives. After all, it was the Right-Winger who started Judging others--IF Thou Art a True Believer then thou shalt jump through this hoop and that hoop and this hoop and that hoop and . . . .
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Yes, The Free Market is one of Many Many things that should be questioned. After all, It Is Just like the Science Channel says--"Question Every Thing!" Not only that, but the question becomes--IF giving tax breaks to the very rich really that great then how and why did we end up in this mess in the first place. After all, is not what the Republican Party proposing going Back to the Bush Plan,which was the plan in place when this how Global Recession started in the first place. If It really did work then there should not have been a Global Recession. This is Also why the last thing that the United States needs Now is President Romney. After all, he has already proven that he would keep secrets and be far less than honest with the American Voters. But, believe it or not, I am not here blogging just to curse the darkness--only to shine light on it. After all, Judging others and Using/Abusing those who were found Guilty is the Job of the Religious Right--I know this from bitter experience. After all, that I have written about the 'Holy Ghost Filled Bosses' that ran the Cleaning Service Company that I once worked for was a lesson in that fact. So Let The Sun Shine--Let The Son Shine-->
p.s.--Please do not forget there is still--> p.p.s.--->AND FOR MORE ACTION--PLEASE CONSIDER--THANK YOU No More Massacres: Tell Candidates to Take a Stand on Gun Control
signatures: 12,000 + SIGN PETITION
But we need Enough to get a message through to Gun Lovers, which means the more signers the better. We need enough names to get their attention whether they like it or not. Too few thousand names--they can and probably will ignore--Millions of names; they can not!!!!
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