Wounded Veteran Not a ‘True Hero,’ Says Congressman
Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth may have lost both her legs in Iraq, but that’s hardly the kind of thing one should mention, and it certainly isn’t particularly heroic. At least that’s the position of Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill.
Walsh, who is running for re-election against Duckworth, said in a campaign event in Elk Grove, Ill. that Duckworth wasn’t a “true hero,” because she dared to talk about being injured. Walsh compared her unfavorably to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who — you may have heard — was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. . . .
Supporting our troops means supporting all our troops, most especially on this Independence Day. After all, Freedom is not Free.
Are You Ladylike? This GOP Senator Will Teach You How
The women of Brooklyn, New York now have the chance to hone their ladylike business skills, and apparently their job prospects, in the hands of a (male) GOP politician. Republican Senator Martin Golden, plans to host a “Business Etiquette and Social Protocol” summit at the end of July in Brooklyn, New York.Leave it to a male Republican to act as if the most important issue of the day is Business Etiquette and/or Social Protocol. As if there is nothing going wrong with the Global Economy or Global Environment--such as Global Warming or Global Climate Change. As if the Global Recession and Global Unemployment are over with and/or as if there is Global Peace. As if there is no Drought in Africa--NOR-->
The event flyer, mailed out with taxpayer money, states that participants in this summer series will learn “Posture, Deportment and the Feminine Presence.” It would be surprising if Betty Friedan and Phyllis Schlafley, female icons in the 1960′s in the United States, did not come to mind when these phrases are employed as a solution to increasing job placement for women.
Drunk Driver Kills Son; Grieving Mom Must Pay For Clean-Up
A coroner in Greenville, South Carolina, called Loretta Robinson in June, 2011, and told her that her oldest son, Justin Walker, had died when his car was struck by a drunken driver.THIS IS MORE THAN JUST A GROSS INJUSTICE--THIS IS AN ABOMINATION!!! TALK ABOUT ADDING INSULT TO GRIEF. IF ANYONE SHOULD PAY OR CLEAN UP AFTER THE MESS--IT SHOULD BE THE DRUNK DRIVER--THIS Anna Gonzalez should be resposible for the mess that her Drunken Driving Caused, which should be all over the American and News all over the World. That way, people would have one more thing to think about Before they even think about Drinking and Driving.
This must be every parent’s worst nightmare.
As Robinson told WYFF4. com,
“I never would have imagined getting that call,” she said. “Never in one million years expected that.”You might imagine that nothing could make this worse, but you would be wrong: Robinson has since been slapped with several bills in connection with the accident, including one to clean the street of her son’s blood.
She was in court on June 19, and looked Anna Gonzalez, the accused driver, in the eye as Gonzalez pleaded guilty. Justin Walker, Robinson’s deceased son, was not found at fault for the accident.
This is yet another example of how and why modern Republicanism and Modern Christian Fundamentalism is becoming more and more the very definition of In-Justice, Greed and Corruption.
Dispatches From The War On Women: GOP Push Etiquette For Women’s Independence
All the attacks on us Women is why this Female Blogger is fighting back against the Party that has declared War on My Gender--A.K.A. the Republican Party.Welcome to Dispatches, your round-up of the latest news from the frontlines of the War on Women. Have a story from your state or an idea on how to push back? Share them here and fight back against the War on Women.
Happy Independence Day! How are you celebrating? If you’re a Republican, likely by taking a swipe at women’s independence all in the name of “helping”. Here are a couple of examples. To start there is this New York GOP Senator who thinks the whole “war on women” thing would be taken care of if women were just more “ladylike.” Even better, he plans on hosting a “business etiquette and social protocol” summit to help women cultivate their “feminine presence.”. . .
“Nuns on the Bus” Tour America for Social Justice
They call themselves “Nuns on the Bus”, and their road tour for social justice may be coming to a town near you. The Catholic sisters have been explicitly criticized by the Vatican for touting a progressive agenda, but they’re not backing down. On Thursday they stopped in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to celebrate the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the health care overhaul bill. . . .Thank God, Almighty For these Truly Christian Nuns, who not only talk the talk of Jesus, but walk the walk of the Christian Faith. Praise the Lord, this blog on this Independence Day ends on a positive note--Thank God for these nuns and God Speed them on their way to fighting the Good Fight of Social Justice.
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