5 Ways to Go From Blogger to Published Book Author
socialmediaexaminer.com - Do you blog? Are you thinking of publishing a book? Eighty-one percent of the US population says they want to write a book. Not surprisingly, only about two percent ever actually do it. Most blogge...Yes, I blog. Yes, I have dreams of being a novelist. I think I have chapter 1, almost finished--not polished enough to share, yet and chapter 2 outlined.
Brand yourself on LinkedIn – Part 3
careers.geblogs.com - Finding the right job is never easy, but whether your passion is to change the way people think about healthcare, help inform the world, or create a solution for water scarcity, GE could be just th...
There is so much talk about networking and branding, I hope that they really are as effective as all the hype claim that they are.
These 8 Simples Repairs Will Keep Your Car Running Smoothly - Business Insider
businessinsider.com - A red warning light on the dash rains all over your parade. You wonder, as a typical human being, is this something I can ignore and perhaps it will go away? Is it really such big deal? Thankful...
Oh, Dear Lord, Have Mercy. Today, I work much much closer to home, but I remember the jobs at the cleaning service. Even in the early days, when I was one of the few employees who drove--day in and day out I would log so many miles on my car, and only get $10-$15 more for gas as if that was the only expense that there was in logging all those miles. Then, just before I finally quit, I was still logging in the miles, and one winter I even got stuck in the snow, with no word from my HOLY GHOST FILLED CHRISTIAN BOSSES, then again, why should they have called just because there where weather emergencies and closings due to extreme cold and snow. After all, as long as the costumer does not complain then who cares if the employee makes it home or not.
CVs for hotel jobs, restaurant jobs, chef jobs, bar jobs, pub jobs and catering jobs
caterer.com - Companies in the hospitality sector care about three things: customer service, customer service and customer service. Because these companies stake their reputations on the way they treat and serve...
Should you always hold out for the perfect job? | Guardian careers
careers.guardian.co.uk - If getting the job of your dreams (or even one that offers clear and structured development opportunities) seems impossible, adopt a more strategic approach instead. You'll need patience and dedica...
Good Question--Excellent Question--I have No Idea of what the correct answer is or if there really is such a thing as a correct answer since every one is different and each person's circumstances are different, not to forget each persons personality is different. This is one question that each of us must answer for ourselves.
As a person who has been in costumer service for a while, the other secret to good costumer service are happy employees. After all, costumers are no where near dumb, the more the employee likes their job the better they will do it and the better they will treat their costumers also.
Job Interview Questions ResumeBear Interview Answer Tips
blog.resumebear.com - With the competition keener than ever and the economy in a slump, you need to prepare for your job interview thoroughly. It’s no longer enough to offer a firm handshake to your interviewer, make ey...AND
Follow Me! Creating a Personal Brand with Twitter ResumeBear Resume
blog.resumebear.com - Sarah-Jayne Gratton is a celebrity author, television presenter, popular speaker, and influential social media personality. She is listed among “Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women” by Bit Rebels and is ...
All I got to say to my fellow job seekers--Good Luck and Keep the Faith and I hope this helps.
And for those who plan to start their own businesses-->
Getting Funding in the New Economy » Manta Blog
blog.manta.com - When you want to make more from your business a loan all the time might not always be the right direction and here is what we did. We’ve been working on getting proper capital investment for the la...
Just, Please, remember one thing--to treat your employees as you would have a boss treat yourself or a loved one.
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