Dear Readers, I am Passing This E-mail on because Our Environment is Far Too Important not to. Unfortunately, I live in the State of Ohio, whose Governor has sold Our Water and the future of Our Food Supply to Big Oil and Big Gas Companies. It is the Hope and Pray of this blogger to be the voice of reason in taking back Ohio's Future and hopefully and prayerfully the rest of the Country and the World will learn from Ohio's mistakes:
You know the story. Big Oil & Gas has pretty much bought and paid
for Congress. We must accelerate our transition to clean energy, and
we must reclaim our government at the federal, state and local levels.
Fracking is the frontline of this fight. This controversial practice
epitomizes the industry’s desperate grab for every last drop of oil and
gas it can get its hands on. This is a battle raging not in Iraq or the
Arctic - but in hotspots like Ohio, New York, Maryland, West Virginia
and Colorado. 
Oil Change International is a proud
co-sponsor of Stop the Frack Attack – a national convening of
fracktivists in Washington, D.C. this July. Join
thousands of other concerned citizens to speak with members of
Congress on July 26, participate in strategy and training sessions on
July 27, and rally and march on Capitol Hill on July 28. (1)
Fracking in Ohio is a powerful test case. Our own National Campaigns
Director, Karen Showalter was in Columbus last week for Don’t Frack
Ohio, where she met inspiring activists (“fracktivists”) fighting to
protect waterways, public lands and the health of their families from
the impacts of fracking.
Just a few weeks ago, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law SB 315
which paves the way for the continued expansion of fracking. (2)
Described as a “red carpet for the industry”, the bill allows the
companies to withhold information on chemicals used in the fracking
process until after they release these poisons. These are terrifying
measures that clearly fail to protect communities from the very real
threats of water contamination from fracking.
PS - BIG THANKS to all of you who took action and voted on the Rio
Dialogues...we won! Ending fossil fuel subsidies took an amazing 2/3 of
the global public vote for actions at the Rio Earth Summit. Not
surprisingly, leaders only responded with weak commitments, but thanks
to us and our partners, we put this issue front and center at the Earth
Summit. Onwards!
(1) Check out more information on Stop the Frack Attack by visiting!
(2) And how much did SB 315 cost the oil and gas industry?
Representatives voting in favor of SB315 have taken a total of over $1
million from the industry to date, while those voting against the
measure have taken a total of about $35,000. Just in the last two
sessions of the Ohio General Assembly, those voting for SB315 have taken
about $850,000 while those voting against the bill took just under
$25,000. Coincidence? We don’t think so.
After All-->>>>
In case you haven’t noticed. America is badly in need of rain. At this moment, massive wildfires are burning holes into nine different Western states. Every single region of the country is experiencing some form of drought.
The water crisis is knocking on America’s door, but we’re oblivious to
the single biggest waster of fresh water operating right under our
A new report by River Network reveals that thermoelectric energy
(including coal, nuclear and natural gas) is the fastest growing use of
freshwater resources in the country. The report, Burning Our Rivers: The Water Footprint of Electricity [PDF], found
that for every gallon of water used in an average household, five times
more water (40,000 gallons each month) is used to provide that home
with electricity via hydropower turbines and fossil fuel power plants. That means every time we flip on the television or crank up the air conditioning, it sends more potable water down the drain. . . .
To say that our water supply in not worth saving is to ignore the Scientific Facts that Yes, It Is Worth saving. After all, By what stretch of the over-active imagination can one grow fresh food from a polluted water supply.
After all, at the Church Service this morning, we all got a very important reminder of how important our water supply is. Our Church--St. Stephen Lutheran Church has started ---->
"100 Wells Challenge"
 The Global Water Crisis doesn't often make the headlines. But the truth is, it claims more lives per year than war or natural disasters. The ELCA World Hunger has set a goal to raise $250,000 in 2012. 100 wells, each one bringing clean water to 500 families at a time. So save your coins and bring them to VBS every Sunday in July.
Today's Worship Theme was-->
A woman finds healing by touching Jesus' cloak, and a girl is restored to life when He takes her by the hand. In both cases a boundary is crossed: in Jesus' time the hemorrhaging woman was considered ritually unclean, polluting others by her touch, and anyone who touched a corpse also became unclean. In Mark's gospel Jesus breaks down barriers, from His first meal at a tax collector's house to His last breath on the cross as the temple curtain is torn in two. We dare to touch Jesus in our "uncleanness" and to live as a community that defines no one as an outsider.
Yes, we do have a responsibility to take Good Care of each other and our world, for this is what we will be leaving behind for future generations--We Owe It To Them To Take Care Of The Environment--So That We Can Hand It Down To Them.
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