In this segment from last night's Rachel Maddow Show, Maddow starts by mentioning the truly bizarro effort by Rand Paul to get a "personhood" amendment attached to a federal bill about flood insurance (srsly), and then launches into a discussion about how abortion is now effectively banned in Mississippi. That's right, although all Americans have the legal right to obtain an abortion under Roe v. Wade, in Mississippi that legal right does not matter -- because the state is now on the verge of closing its last remaining abortion clinic. It will now have the dubious distinction of being the only (first?) state in the country to have zero -- none! zilch! -- abortion clinics. No abortion clinics, no safe abortions. Read more
So what are we suppose to say about these Christian Terrorist--a.k.a. the Pro-Life Movement?? When you can not change a law that you do not like then Amen and Glori Hallelujah to the destruction the reins down from the Heavens.
Thankfully, we still have Freedom of Religion, because Thankfully we still have Hate Crime Laws--even though why-oh why attacks against Abortion Clinics is not considered a Hate Crime is beyond me--Then again, I should not be surprised. After all, look how many Republican Governors we have.
After all, we are still our Brother's and our Sister's Keepers and even our Sisters should be free to choose when they become parents. After all, this is indeed a very slippery slope. The proof of this is all the talk of ending 'Birth Control'. Without 'Birth Control' there will be even more abortions, which is not the best option, but it is legally an option. It is the stand of this blog THAT CHANGING THE LAW IS NOT THE ANSWER TO ENDING ABORTIONS--WHAT WE NEED IS CHANGE OF HEART AND CIRCUMSTANCES--WHAT WE NEED IS TO DO IS EVERY THING POSSIBLE TO LOWER THE DEMAND FOR ABORTIONS, WHICH WE MUST MEET ALL THE WOMEN AND GIRLS WHERE THEY ARE, NOT WHERE WE BELIEVE THEY SHOULD BE.
IF NOT, Then we are only opening the door to Illegal Abortions(the one thing that makes legal abortion look good in comparison) and even more Child Abuse, because there will be more children who were not wanted nor loved.
Colorado Wildfire: Taste of Things to Come
USDAgov (CC BY 2.0) |
The Waldo Canyon fire burns near the Air Force Academy on the outskirts of Colorado Springs.
The wildfire that raged through Colorado’s Waldo Canyon, just one of the many that lit up the state in recent weeks, consumed 346 homes and claimed at least one life. The event is consistent with predictions made by the world’s top climate scientists.
Scientists have long warned that the human activities that lead to climate change are responsible for the cotton-dry conditions in which the fire prevailed.
Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University, a lead author of the United Nations’ climate science panel, said: “What we’re seeing is a window into what global warming really looks like. It looks like heat, it looks like fires, it looks like this kind of environmental disaster. … This provides vivid images of what we can expect to see more of in the future.”. . .
This is why we need Re-Usable Energy Sources and the Green Jobs that they create; instead of the same old Fossil Fuels that only make bosses rich and fill the air with carbon which is the source of Global Climate Change.
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