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Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Afternoon and the Heat is on--So let us turn up the heat, even higher! ;-)

 Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail from 'Workers Voice' because I agree completely that the Current Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel should be investigated. After all, as I have posted her, I have received questionable mail from his office--not about the business of Ohio; but rather about his run for the U.S. Senate--AS IF IT HAS BECOME THE JOB OF THE Ohio Treasurer to run for the U.S. Senate;
Since we launched our campaign calling on Josh Mandel to come clean about the investigation into his campaign contributions, over 7,500 Ohio residents have signed on.

Now it's time to take that passion and translate it into votes.

In less than three weeks, Workers' Voice will launch a platform to empower volunteers to direct our campaign resources in a way no major institution has ever attempted before.

The idea is simple: Make phone calls, knock on doors, and take other actions supporting Sherrod Brown and you'll earn the ability to direct our dollars towards voter registration, online ads, or a number of other options for your local or federal candidate of choice.

For now, sign-up to let us know you're interested and tell us some of the actions you think we should incentivize, and what are some of the ways you'd be interested in allocating dollars:

Whether your passion is the presidential, senate or a local election, an issue or organizing campaign, you'll have the opportunity to make a real difference as a volunteer and strategist.

Sound interesting?

The most important thing you can do right now is let us know you want to get involved and tell us more about the type of actions we should incentivize and places people should be allowed to spend dollars they earn. You can do that here:

Supporters like you are going to drive this program from day one -- and in this instance, before day one.

We'd really love your participation to help guide the final details before our public launch.


Michael Podhorzer
Workers' Voice, Executive Director

 Dear Reader-I am also passing on this e-mail from the Daily Kos for your consideration, please click here to sign the petition from Daily Kos and Democracy for America telling Mitt Romney to release all of his tax returns. We'll deliver the signatures to Romney's campaign HQ in Boston, and do it in front of the press.

Mitt Romney argues he would be a good president because of his experience at Bain Capital. However, evidence is piling up that he made millions at Bain by firing American workers, outsourcing jobs, and keeping his money overseas.

Romney could shed some light on this by releasing multiple years of his tax returns, as every major presidential candidate has done for decades. This practice was actually pioneered by Romney's father, George, who released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968.

However, Mitt Romney has only released one year of his tax returns, increasing suspicion he got rich mainly by dismantling the American middle class. He is starting to take a pounding for it in the media, too. We can help fuel that media narrative with this petition, and put Romney's campaign in a hole from which it can never recover.

Please, click here to sign the petition to Mitt Romney demanding that he release all of his tax returns. We'll work with out partners at Democracy for America to deliver the signatures to Romney's campaign headquarters, and do so with the media watching.

Keep fighting,
Chris Bowers
Campaign Director, Daily Kos

P.S. Please chip in $3 to help keep Daily Kos strong.

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