With more than half the country in some state of drought, farmers are feeling the impact on their livelihood and consumers could expect to feel a hit in their wallet when they go to the supermarket soon, experts say. FULL STORY
Global Warming/Global Climate Change is indeed For Real--It is caused by the excess of carbon in the atmosphere, which is caused by the burning of Fossil Fuels, such as Coal.
The war over coal is personal
(CNN) -- Amanda Sedgmer, mother of five and daughter of coal country, believes that in this presidential election, her way of life is at stake.
"If you ask anybody in the coal industry what would happen if Obama is re-elected, they'd say the coal industry is done," said Sedgmer, whose husband, Ryan, is a coal miner and whose family has depended on the industry for at least four generations.Sedgmer lives in Hopedale, Ohio, which sits on top of one of the state's richest coal deposits. For nearly a century here, mining has been one of the few professions guaranteeing a good and consistent salary. . . .
Apparently all this mother and her daughters care about are they themselves--not anyone else--NOT EVEN THEIR FATHER/HUSBAND! After all, a Green Energy Job would be far more safer than his coal job, between the health hazard of breathing in the coal dust and the ever increasing risk of cave ins. No to forget, the well being of the rest of Humanity would deeply and serverely be effected by Global Climate Change/Global Warming---WHICH IS ANOTHER REMINDER OF THE REAL QUESTIONS OF THIS ELECTION--ARE YOU SELFISH ENOUGH--ARE YOU GREEDY ENOUGH--DO YOU HATE ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR REPUBLICAN?????
More Americans Believe Climate Change is Real
AND IF THEY COULD ONLY CARE ABOUT-->Summer 2012 is breaking all sorts of records. On the bright side, one benefit of extreme weather is that it wakes people up to the fact the climate is changing. Record high summer temperatures gripping most of the continental U.S. and severe drought conditions appear to be helping Americans connect the dots between climate change and their daily life. The big question, however, remains: what are we going to do about it?
In a recent poll conducted by the Washington Post and Stanford University, six in 10 say global weather patterns have become unstable in the past three years and almost as many say average temperatures were higher during the past three years than previously. The poll went on to say that “55% said a ‘great deal’ or ‘good amount’ can be done to reduce future global warming. At the same time, 60% of those polled say it will be extremely or very difficult for people to stop [global warming].” Interestingly, two-thirds of those polled mentioned that they want the United States to be a world leader addressing [global warming], even if other major industrial countries do not pitch in.”. . .
Are We To Blame for the Colorado Wildfire?
Corporations Funding Climate Change Denial
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