" Evolution is hardly the only scientific reality to suffer from conservatives' growing sense that their ideology is not compatible with science. In the short period between 2010 and 2012, the percentage of conservatives who accept global warming declined from half of conservatives to only 30 percent of them. That doesn’t reflect any kind of major shift in the evidence or the arguments around global warming--the scientific consensus that warming is happening and human-made has only solidified in the past couple of decades--so much as the strengthened perception that conservatism and believing in global warming are mutually exclusive. As the political media pays more attention to conservative distrust of science and liberal embrace of it, the image of who believes what will only intensify."
For the Good of America--the United States needs an intellegent workforce, which means Educating our Children is of vital importance. This can only happen if and when we American Parents get on the same page--Math and Science are too important Not To Study--It is bad enough that America has fallen behind. We need to work hard at catching up, Not Turn Back To The Dark Ages.
But, Most Importantly, This Election Should Be About the Economy--This Presidential Election Should Be about the ECONOMY, BUT Every time I turn around there is one Republican or an other Republican or group of Republicans saying something to take the attention AWAY From the Economy---Case in point-->
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Even Military Rape Victims Aren't Safe from the GOP -- 3 Republican Moves Against Women We Have to Beat Back
After all, some things will not be changed without a fight, since I remember back when I was in the Army Reserve, which was during the Cold War Years--the 'Religious Right' even then, did far far more to DE-moralize Military women that the Soviet Union did.
After all, I can still remember how it hurt--had cut like a knife in the heart-- 'the 700 club'--which I watched at the time along with as many other news as possible--since I was in PsyOp/Loud Speakers/Military Intelligence--it was part of my job to keep up with the news from as many angles as possible and then some; But back to my point--I remember how it was said that American men enlisted to make the United States Stronger while women like me--enlisted to make America Weaker, as if we women are not as patriotic as men are.
IF ONLY The GOP(and Republican Voters) would wake up and smell the Coffee, the United States Does Not have the Population to field an All Male Air Force and an All Male Army and an All Male Marine Corps and an All Male Navy and an All Male Coast Guard--Most Especially An All Heterosexual Male Military, Unless there is a draft of 100% of the Male High School Graduates, which even then would have complications and would beg the question--how many of these Conservatives who do not support women/ Gays in the Military will then turn around and complain about their sons being drafted??
Read, because this is why We Americans Need Strong Unions. After all,
with Unions come a livable wage and a strong Middle Class. The Middle
Class is the True Backbone of Society. After all, what good does it do a
Business to make the best goods--No Matter how good they are or how
cheaply made they were--those goods are worthless if there are no one or
too few who can afford to buy them.
Oh, Where--Oh, Where is Eleanor Roosevelt when we Really Need Her!!!!
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