Dear Reader, I am passing on this e-mail in its entirety because it is to important not to. After all, it does not matter whether we agree or disagree with the wars or not, we Americans owe all of our support to all of the American Military, Especially I myself as a former Enlisted Woman, which is why I have added My Blog to this cause-->
This is shocking, even for our U.S. Congress.
If a female employee of the U.S. State Department is raped while serving
abroad in Afghanistan, her federal health plan will pay for an abortion
should she become pregnant. However if a woman serving abroad as a
member of the U.S. military is raped, her military
health plan will NOT provide for an abortion if she becomes pregnant as
a result of that violent and reprehensible act.
According to a recent report from Mother Jones,1 the Pentagon
has an even more drastic policy on access to abortion than the Hyde
Amendment which bans the use of federal funds for abortion care unless a
woman has been the victim of rape, incest
or she could literally die unless she her pregnancy is terminated.
This disparity is so unsettling that the Senate Armed Services Committee
recently passed a proposal that would fix this loophole in federal law
on a rare bipartisan vote. But the extremists in Congress will almost
certainly strip this proposal from the National
Defense Authorization Act when it comes up for a vote in the House. The
only way we can hope to stop it is with massive public pushback.
Tell Republicans and anti-choice Democrats in the House: Don't block
abortion access for raped soldiers. Click here to sign the petition.
According to Kate Sheppard's report in Mother Jones,2
there are 200,000 women serving on active duty in our military and in
2011 alone there were 471 reported instances of rape. But with the
Pentagon itself estimating that only 13.5% of rapes
are officially reported, that means around 3,500 service members are
raped per year.
Women who are serving on military bases abroad can't simply go to their
local Planned Parenthood should they seek an abortion after finding
themselves pregnant as a result of rape. And if there hasn't been a
formal finding of rape, a rape survivor in the military
can't even pay to have the procedure done in the medical facility on
base. Many women serving in our armed forces are stationed in foreign
countries where safe abortion care is not easily obtained outside our
military bases. And it may not be possible or affordable
for a raped woman soldier to travel to the United States in order to
receive the care she needs. Our policies need to be reformed to ensure
that women in the military who have been raped have access to the
medical care they need.
As Senator Jean Shaheen who introduced the proposal change to this heinous policy explained to Mother Jones,
"Most of the women affected here are enlisted women who are making
about $18,000 a year. They're young, they don't have access to a lot of
Many of them are overseas."
Tell Republicans and anti-choice Democrats in the House: Don't block
abortion access for raped soldiers. Click here to sign the petition
A handful of Republicans in the Senate realized that protecting rape
survivors is not a partisan issue and joined Democrats to pass this bill
out of committee and work to provide relief to women in our armed
services. But their colleagues in the House will
not join them in helping to pass this much needed bill unless we force
them to take action. We need to tell Republicans as well as anti-choice
Democrats in the House (including the so-called Stupak Democrats who
voted against women's reproductive health in
the Affordable Care Act)3 that we cannot let this policy stand.
CREDO is a staunch supporter of a woman's right to choose and we will
continue to work for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment. But until then,
even in our polarized Congress which is packed with anti-choice zealots,
there are some lines that Republicans and
anti-choice Democrats should be very afraid to cross. This is one of
them. We cannot stand by and let women serving in the U.S. military be
subjected to a stricter standard for abortion access than the already
horribly restrictive Hyde Amendment.
Click below to sign the petition:
This is one we can win if enough of us speak out. Thank you for taking action.
Becky Bond, Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Thank You For Your Time and
nationwide assault on reproductive and abortion rights that effects
everyone with sexual health needs (so, that's everyone, pretty much!)
and has come to be known as "The War on Women" may claim its first state
as a victim soon. In Mississippi, the final abortion clinic left is
fighting for its survival after an effort by Republican lawmakers. Bloomberg reports:
Beginning July 1, all abortion-clinic physicians must have admitting privileges at a local hospital under a law passed by the Republican-led Legislature and signed by Republican Governor Phil Bryant in April. At the Jackson Women’s Health Organization,
the state’s sole remaining clinic providing elective abortions, none of
the three physicians who perform the procedure has been granted those
privileges. Read more 
This is why more and more the Christan Right-Wing are earning the nicknames that they are now receiving. Well, actually in my case, it were my former bosses who inspiried me to come up with--'Holy Ghost Filled Pain in the A$$' but others have coined--The Christian Taliban' and 'The Religious Reich'. Among other reasons are terrorist actions such as these and other issues, such as a servere lack of control of their members, who seem to free to break any and every law that they dislike--any and every law of Caesar's.
After all, IF there wasn't so very much-->
candidates have
used religion to
attack each
other for
centuries. An expert explains why.
We need and must get Religion out of politics because all I have seen the unholy alliance accomplish was to turn more and more people away from Christianity. We need and must get Religion out of politcs before we have turned an entire generation of American young people completely out of the Church.
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