Dear Reader, I am passing this e-mail along in memory of my Late Father, who worked at a Chemical Company and who paid the price with his health and ultimately with his life. We children never knew the conditions that he worked under, such as very little to no ventilation--he just quietly went to work every day without fail, because he was the Father of the family--So in his memory I ask you to read and consider--Thank you--After all, no one should have to sacrifice their health, just because they have a family;
The bulk use and storage of poison gases like chlorine at chemical facilities and wastewater and drinking water plants puts workers at those plants and residents of surrounding communities at risk of a major chemical disaster.
There are safer alternatives. Recognizing the risks these facilities pose, Washington, DC converted its wastewater treatment plant to use safer chemical processes a few months after the 9/11 attacks. Before 9/11 the use of chlorine gas at this one facility put 1.7 million people at risk.
CWA has joined with Greenpeace and the Sierra Club to urge President Barack Obama to use his executive power to require the use of safer chemicals.
Please add your name to our petition: http://action.cwa-union.org/c/1372/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4487President Obama's Department of Homeland Security and the Environmental Protection Agency have repeatedly asked Congress for the authority to remove these risks by requiring the use of safer chemical processes where feasible. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress have blocked these efforts.
But now the Obama administration can take action. The president will soon be able to use his authority to put these new protections in place through an amendment to the Clean Air Act.
Sign our petition to ask President Obama to use his authority under the Clean Air Act to require companies to design and operate their facilities in a way that increases worker and community safety and prevents the catastrophic release of poison gases.
In Unity,
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