Watch the Video: Why Do You Support Marriage Equality? |
"Intentionally disenfranchising a particular group of people like gay and lesbian couples violates the core values of our constitution."As a woman who believes in Social Justice the answer is YES--2 Marriage Equality and NO--2 the Haters and other Bigots from the Far Right, a.k.a. the Religious Rieche, the Christian Taliban-the Holy Ghost Filled Pain in the A$$es = the real reason that fewer and fewer younger generations come to church.
TV host Melissa Harris-Perry said these words in her endorsement of marriage equality in a new video hosted by our friends at the Human Rights Campaign.
Marriage is about love, honor and commitment, not fear and discrimination. No matter their sexual orientation, every couple deserves the right to express their lifelong commitment to each other.
Steps have been made toward marriage equality. Gay and lesbian couples have won the right to marry in eight U.S. states, and President Obama has expressed his personal support for marriage equality. Now the Human Rights Campaign is continuing a conversation about love, fairness and equality for same-sex couples.
For today's Daily Action watch Melissa Harris-Perry's video about why she's an American for Marriage Equality and join the dialogue. . . .
Please, For The Love of Mercy, For the Love of Truth, For the Love of America--The United States, Please Remember This--THIS is the Drilling that Mitt Romney is Claiming in His Campaign Ad To Be Supporting--This Is What Those People Who Vote For Him Will Be Supporting Also.Chief Allan Adam, the head of the Fort Chipewyan community in the far north of Alberta, has been fishing in Lake Athabasca for all of his life. His father, now 76 years old, has been fishing there even longer. And neither of them has seen anything like what they pulled from the lake on May 30: two grotesquely deformed, lesion-covered fish.
When they caught the sickly fish, each taken from a different part of the lake, the two Indigenous men immediately figured that it had something to do with the massive tar sands oil mines that lie about 300 kilometers upstream along the Athabasca River. “We have been putting two and two together, and raising concerns about the fast pace of [tar sands] development,” Chief Adam told me in a phone interview this week. “The tailing ponds are leaking and leaching into the rivers, and then going downstream to Lake Athabasca.”. . . .
This is One Of The Many Many Many Reasons--why I use this blog to support the EPA, NOT the GOP! This is only one reason that I am calling for a landslide against the Republican Party who need to be set free from the control of the Ultra-Right of the Tea Party Movement and the 'Greed of Big Business'; Including-->
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