The emerging general election is being waged by the right with an unmistakable stamp of irresponsibility and a complete lack of adult supervision.
IF ONLY we could keep on the real issues the issues which the Republican Party Claim they want to talk about, even though their actions are the complete opposite--IF ONLY! IF ONLY, people would remember that this Very Same Ted Nugent who is so gun ho for war--HE, HIMSELF, DODGED the Vietnam Draft--there is a word for people like that--that is 'Chicken Hawk'.. . . Witness the type of fringe, hate-based bloggers Romney personally met with for two hours last month. Witness the fact Romney refused to even mildly rebuke Rush Limbaugh when he spent three days on his nationally syndicated radio show unleashing a non-stop barrage of sexist attacks against Sandra Fluke. And note how Romney refused to denounce his prominent supporter, and Fox News favorite, Ted Nugent after he unleashed a violent rhetorical attack on the president that earned him a private visit from the Secret Service. . . . READ MORE
After all, with the UN-Holy alliance among the Christian Far-Right, 'Big Business' and the Republican Party--every one who is not a White Anglo-Saxon, Christian Heterosexual Male who is not part of the 1% -- has something to lose if there are any
The absolute Worst part of this--is the anger that they are stirring up in the Name of Jesus is leading many to the temptation of Cursing Out The Father, Son and Holy Ghost--I know, because when I quit cleaning St. Paul Lutheran Elementary School/ Church for a long time--every time Ethel 'Jane Lew... Crossed my mind--I would get so angry at the pain and suffering that she caused as 'The Most Holy-Most Holy Ghost Filled-Most Spiritual Mature Saint of God' that I cursed the Father, Son and Holy Ghost more than I ever dreamed that I would and still wrestle with my thoughts--I can only hope and pray that one day--one day I can Love the Lord as I once did--Before having endured the Cross of working Under 'Jane'. Who in her own mind was so Holy and so Righteous that I remember there were times that when we rode pass St. Paul Lutheran Church that she would be Gracious enough to blow the Holy Spirit onto the church--AS IF She was Jesus Christ's Equal.--IF ONLY--IF ONLY LORA CAMPE COULD WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE AND SEE HER OLDER SISTER 'JANE' FOR WHAT SHE REALLY IS--> BEDKNOBS & BROOMSTIX CLEANING SERVICE WOULD HAVE NEVER GONE OUT OF BUSINESS NOR UNDER THE TABLE. NOR BECOME BRIGHT START LLC.
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Victoria Grant
told a conference that governments, not banks, should create and lend a
nation's money--and a video of her talk has gone viral on the Internet.
The United States of America--We too have much to learn from this 12 year old young lady. After all, all too much of what is happening in Canada is also happening here.
In addition, there is another reason that I have such a deep respect for this young lady--As a Mother of two 20 something sons (whom I am forbidden to write about because they both have reputations and images to maintain--which is why I blog news and not family--my two sons are my family.) I can look back and see how much much more I learned about life and faith from raising them than every and any place else put together. This is Why I believe President Obama when he said that his position on same sex marriage evolved from his children--because mine has too--Children do have a way of teaching us parents. In 2006, I confess I voted against Same Sex Marriage, now I am looking forward to Same Sex Marriage going back on the ballot so that I can vote for it.
Most Especially since We Women and Our Daughters and Our Grand-Daughters have too much to lose IF There Is A Republican Victory--THE REALITY IS-->
Dispatches From The War On Women: The American Taliban Is Real
From my experience--These Christian Taliban--whom I call 'Holy Ghost Filled Pain In The A$$ES had better Wise Up, what they are doing is most Destructive to the Church of Jesus Christ and they will ultimately pay the price along with many Innocents---most especially the children.Welcome to Dispatches, your round-up of the latest news from the frontlines of the War on Women. Have a story from your state or an idea on how to push back? Share them here and fight back against the War on Women.
A spokesman for Rep. Nan Hayworth (R, NY) insists his public comments that someone should “hurl some acid” at female Democratic senators are being totally blown out of proportion. Apparently when women object to suggestions of a violent attack in the style of the Taliban they are “manufacturing” controversy. Good to know. . .
After all, we Christians only have to agree on one thing--Jesus Lived-Died-and Rose again to be our Savior, everything else it too trivial to worry about and is where we are free to have various opinions depending on our own life experiences.
After all, it is so true that doing Good Really Does Feel So Good
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