Wyoming Oil Industry Pays Salaries of Federal Workers Who Issue Their Drilling Permits
The term ‘conflict of interest’ was invented for situations like this: the Petroleum Association of Wyoming openly admits to providing money to pay the salaries of additional federal Bureau of Land Management staff members, who have been hired to help speed up the permitting process for oil and gas drilling operations.This is also why the Petroleum Industry should not be trusted and real regulations are necessary, but by people whose only motive is to do the right thing for all. After all-->
Here’s the Wyoming Tribune:
Wyoming oil and natural gas operators, anxious to hurry up the bogged-down federal drill permit process, are forking over tens of thousands of dollars to pay for additional federal staff and overtime....
Ozone Attacks Your Heart Within Hours Of Exposure
This summer, it’s in your best interest to pay attention to local ozone level alerts. A recent study found that just two hours of exercising during increase ozone levels can cause unfavorable changes in heart function–even in those with no history of heart disease.
The study, recently published in the journal Circulation, asked healthy, young volunteers to participate in two hours of intermittent exercise in a lab while being exposed first to “clean” air, and then to air containing 0.3 parts per million of ozone. While this level is somewhat higher than average ozone levels in most U.S. cities, it is on par with the amount of ozone a person in an average American city would be exposed to if they spent seven to eight hours outside.....
We are not only what we eat, but what we breath in as well. Since saving the environment saves lives, is not being Pro-Environment, truly being the real Pro-Lifers. As oppose to the So-Called Pro-Lifers who only care that the baby gets born then its duty done-mission over time-time for the next pregnancy.
This is why we need to keep the EPA Strong--Strong enough to Save Lives by Saving the Environment.
Federal Court Upholds EPA Emissions Rules
Here’s a bit of good news for all of you who care about the environment. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld the EPA’s greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution emission rules issued under the Clean Air Act (CAA). The court, in a unanimous opinion by the three-judge panel, rejected legal challenges against the Climate Pollution Endangerment Finding, Clean Car Standards and Timing and Tailoring Rules. The EPA issued the rules in response to the Supreme Court’s 2007 ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA that GHGs are air pollutants subject to regulation under the CAA.
“In the end, petitioners are asking us to re-weigh the scientific evidence before EPA and reach our own conclusion,” the panel wrote in the 82-page opinion. “This is not our role.”
Looking at a partial list, compiled by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), of the petitioners is telling. The list includes companies, business groups, states and politicians:---READ MORE.
Yet, during the Republican Primary when candidate Romney promised to do away with the EPA the Republican audience actually had the nerve to cheer--Why, Oh Why, would anyone who does not have a death wish do such a thing????
YES, THIS IS-IN MY OPINION-ANOTHER REASON TO RE-ELECT OBAMA--God Forbid, IF Romney would start appointing the Federal Judges.
Cast Your Vote for the 2012 Ocean Heroes Awards! |
Oceana’s Finalist Selection Committee has chosen six Adult and five Junior Finalists for the Ocean Heroes Awards. These finalists were announced just yesterday, and the rest is in your hands – you’ll vote to decide who will be the 2012 Ocean Heroes.
What does it mean to be an Ocean Hero? The finalists have various interests, ranging from sea turtles to sustainable sushi. They work to influence lawmakers, rehabilitate animals, and reduce pollution. Every Ocean Hero is different, but they all share a passion for the world's oceans that drives them to make a difference.
The winners will receive a prize package that includes fantastic gifts from our corporate sponsors, Nautica and Revo.
For today's Daily Action, cast your vote for who will be this year's Ocean Heroes!
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