Here We Go Again—Another Fossil Fuel Industry Attack on Science
Dear Readers,I am passing on this e-mail, because one of the many lessons of the Japanese Disaster of over a year ago is how we are interconnected as more and more debris wash up on American and Canadian Shores.
p.s.--This brings to mind the questions--How much American and Canadian pollutions are ending up in Greenland and Europe??? And, How much Mexican/Latin and South American Pollutions are ending up in Africa???
The House of Representatives will soon vote on yet another fossil fuel industry-backed bill, attacking clean air and public health. It is critical that we stand up for strong standards based on independent science, not false economic claims from big polluters.
The Gasoline Regulations Act (H.R. 4771) is an all-out attack on our clean air and public health. The bill would force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to give undo weight to the industry's economic claims when setting what should be, first and foremost, science-based standards that protect our health and environment.
The legislation delays standards that would save lives and save money by reducing sulfur in gasoline.
The bill also attacks standards that would limit ozone and other harmful air pollutants from power plants and global warming emissions from oil refineries. Some members of Congress may even attempt to amend the bill to prevent the EPA from moving forward with their historic draft standard to limit global warming pollution from new power plants.
Fossil fuel lobbyists and their allies in Congress are attacking the EPA with false claims about the impact that these proposed standards might have on gas prices. But we know that this bill will have no effect on fuel prices, but would have a lasting, negative impact on public health.
Congress needs to hear from Americans like you who support the EPA's efforts to protect our health from dirty energy and dirty fuels.
Tell your member of Congress: Don't block vital standards for our health and environment—vote no on the Gasoline Regulations Act.
9 Best Sunsets in the World |
Sometimes, you have to care for yourself so you can take action on behalf of others. For today's Secondary Action, check out nine of the best sunsets in the world!In addition, it is all to easy with all the commercials and other ads that companies run, day in and day out for us to forget what we are fighting to preserve, most especially when various companies are constantly in our faces and so much of what needs to be saved from them is so far far away for all to many of us. After all, how many times a day do we all hear that the economy needs jobs, as if there is no such thing as 'Green Jobs'??
Stand Up Against Aviation Pollution
Dear Readers, I am also passing on this e-mail for the very same reason
as the other--we are too interconnected not to and we and our decedents
need to breath clean air.
Aviation is one of the fastest-growing sources of global warming pollution on the planet: already, it puts as much pollution into the atmosphere each year as the country of Germany.
To help tackle this challenge, the European Union has passed a law requiring airlines flying in and out of Europe to cut that pollution. By 2020, the law will reduce carbon pollution by an amount equivalent to taking 30 million cars off the road. Complying with the law is easy and low-cost, and it will drive technological innovation and spur demand for more fuel efficient airplanes, many of which are built here in America.
But instead of supporting this modest step forward, U.S. airlines are making every effort to undermine the EU system. They’re even lobbying Congress to pass a bill that would make it illegal for them to participate--the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Prohibition Act (S.1956).
Take Action: Tell your senators to oppose S.1956 and support action to reduce pollution from aviation.
We expect airlines from China and Europe to obey U.S. laws, such as security requirements and landing fees. By the same token, U.S. airlines need to allow Europe to enforce its own laws, including accounting for their pollution. The cost of the EU law will average only $9 to $19 a ticket, or less. The airlines claim this is too much, even as some charge their passengers $25 to check a bag and make families who want to sit together pay a premium.
Thank you for everything you do to support conservation.
Keya Chatterjee
P.S.--In Addition-->
The 7 Habits of Highly Happy People
Highly happy people all share happy habits. It’s as simple as that. The happiest people I know share seven very obvious habits. If you’re looking to expand your general happiness, you may consider adopting these in your own life. . . .
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