OH, DEAR LORD HAVE MERCY-THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO SAVE OHIO FROM GREEDY OIL, GAS AND COAL INTERESTS. After all, there are people like my sister and her husband whose source of water is still well water. In addition, there is a church here in Stow who are supplementing their income be having a well on the property, If they are not careful there goes all our water. As if that is not enough all rivers here in Northern Ohio flows eventually flow into Lake Erie--as one of the Great Lakes can contaminate the other Great Lakes too.It looks like Ohio is following in Pennsylvania’s footsteps — and that’s not a good thing. Earlier this year AlterNet’s Steven Rosenfeld reported about Act 13, passed in Pennsylvania:Pennsylvania, where the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were signed and where the U.S. coal, oil and nuclear industries began, has adopted what may be the most anti-democratic, anti-environmental law in the country, giving gas companies the right to drill anywhere, overturn local zoning laws, seize private property and muzzle physicians from disclosing specific health impacts from drilling fluids on patients. Read more
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!! GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! To make believe that it is not is dangerous to all of us.Some North Carolina GOP legislators want to stop the use of science to plan for the future. They are circulating a bill that would force coastal counties to ignore actual observations and the best science-based projections in planning for future sea level rise.King Canute thought he had the power to hold back the tide (in the apocryphal legend). These all-too-real lawmakers want to go one better and mandate a formula that projects a sea level rise of at most 12 inches, far below what the science now projects. Read more
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This behavior reminds me of my former Supervisor Ethel 'Jane' but she usually went by simply Jane--who was so much of a self-proclaimed Holy Ghost Filled Christian that she became a Holy Ghost Filled Pain in the ASS--because to make things go from bad to worse--she claimed Spiritual Superiority by abusing her authority as supervisor/ sister of the boss in a small NON-Union company. After all, as supervisor/ sister--she could start an argument (by telling you what to think and how to think--and if you dared to question her--SHE WOULD PROCLAIM HER OWN HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS--AND IF THAT PROVOKED YOU TO ANGER THEN YOU WERE THE ONE THAT WAS WRONG--AFTER ALL THE ONLY RIGHT THING TO SAY TO THIS HOLY GHOST FILLED CHRISTIAN Was that THE HOLY GHOST HAS MADE YOU INDEED WORTHY OF GLORY HONOR AND PRAISE--KINGDOM AUTHORITY IS INDEED YOURS OH HOLY ONE--THIS is where I got into trouble because she was not my God therefore I did not server her--so I got sent home a few times without pay for which my sons paid the price) and then send the person home without pay for the Crime of Not Amening every word she spoke or she could assign a person the hardest nastiest job to do alone--such as the time she assign 'Dan' who was known to be a Diabetic the job of cleaning up a bathroom where the person died and was not found for days--After all the Most Holy Ghost Filled Spiritual Mature Christian--AS IF Vengeance was Indeed Hers--She said that 'Dan' needed to pay the price for calling of the day before-After all, at that Cleaning Company there are NO SICK DAYS--THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR NOT COMING TO WORK --THOSE HOLY GHOST FILLED CHRISTIANS HAD THE RIGHT TO DEMAND ALL YOUR BLOOD AND SWEET AND EVEN WORSE--TO WITH HOLD PAY FOR THOSE THEY DECIDED WERE NOT HOLY NOR RIGHTEOUS ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT. |
P.S. Let Us End Stoning-->
thank you for signing this
urgent petition:
Save Sudanese Mother, 20, From Death By Stoning |
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