Welcome to Dispatches,
your round-up of the latest news
from the frontlines of the War on
Women. Have a story from your state or an idea on
how to push back? Share them here and
fight back against the War on Women.
Texas may now well be the epicenter where hard right policies come with a violent and horrific cost. The latest evidence is this tragic news of
a young lesbian couple found shot in the head in a South Texas park.
One of the young women died from her injuries while the other remains in
critical condition. There’s every reason to believe this was a hate
Related: it’s tempting to make fun of the Texas GOP 2012,
but the reality is this is the future of the national party. So instead
of simply mocking it, let’s expose it for the values it embraces: Old
South segregationist policies and Dominionist Christian theological
imperatives. Let’s also remind people that those are the exact same
values that just cost two young women their lives. And then lets promote
the work of the tireless progressives in that state fighting the good
To mark the anniversary of Title IX Nike released this film on famous female athletes. I will admit this made me cry........
This is another reason why this blogger--This Independent blogger is fighting so hard against the Republican Party and the Evils All Too Many of Them Attempt To Justify.
America--America--We Can Not Nor Should Not Follow Texas' Example. After all, Just think--think about this-- What If one of these women were your Sister or Daughter or Niece or Grand-daughter or you yourself--Shot down dead just because someone made themselves Judge, Jury and Exicationer of Holiness and Righteousness??? Would You/ Could You--Justify the Shooting or Fight For Justice?? Well, Wake Up and Smell The Coffee--This is why this Independent is Fighting With the Democrats--Because the Democrats are, this time around, more often than not, Fighting For Justice and Tolerance and Equality--Which means--Please click on 'this film' to watch the Nike Short--Thank You For Your Consideration and Let us All Thank Nike for this short film.
. . .Neuhaus offered a rebuttal of her own. “To even claim that isn’t
medically necessary qualifies as gross incompetence,” said Neuhaus.
“Someone’s 10 years old, and they were raped by their uncle and they
understand that they’ve got a baby growing in their stomach and they
don’t want that. You’re going to send this girl for a brain scan and
some blood work and put her in a hospital?”
Like other states Kansas has made recent attempts to stack their medical review board with anti-choice advocates like former Operation Rescue attorney Richard Macias.
When hearing the case against Dr. Neuhaus, the board offered up their
own expert to determine if any breach of the standard of care occurred.
Not surprisingly, the witnessed insisted that in no cases is abortion a
treatment that could be seen as beneficial to a patient’s mental health,
further clouding the waters as to the kind of care girls and women can
expect in the state of Kansas.
Nuehaus will appeal the ruling. If she loses she will have her license permanently revoked.
And some people may wonder why this blogger coined, Or at least I think I coined the phase--Holy Ghost Filled Pain in the A$$, since I don't know of anyone else who uses it, while others refer the Christian Extremists as The Christian Taliban and/or the Religious Reich.
In addition to these
Related Stories:
Are Kansas Officials Enabling Operation Rescue Terror Campaigns?
Kansas Admits It Destroyed Documents In Case Against Planned Parenthood
Operation Rescue Posts Abortion Patient Information Online
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In Arizona, GOP legislators fight to allow employers to pay teens
working part-time three dollars per hour less than the state minimum
wage - a mere $4.65 per hour. READ MORE
labor is under powerful battering from
conservatives, a strong case can
be made that they aren't being supported by some of our most prominent
human rights groups. READ MORE
This is indeed a good question that needs and must be answered.

Like the 50 states of the US, the 17 countries of the euro zone share
a common currency. They do not share a common language, culture or
religion; their histories are intertwined and (at least since the Roman
Empire, which included many of the euro zone nations plus those in the
European Union), at some point or other, various member nations have
been at war with other member nations. Right now, the euro zone is mired
in what is being called a fight for its survival. With five of its
member nations forced to seek bailouts, a combination of sovereign debt
and bad banks threatens the future of the 14-year-old economic union.
Writing in The Atlantic,
Derek Johnson underscores that what the euro zone lacks, and what the
US has, is a federal government that provides aid to states and takes in
significant tax revenues. What is known as “permanent bailouts” in
Europe would be “Medicaid” and “unemployment benefits” in the US,
Johnson writes:
Unlike the United States, the euro zone
collects a teensy share of total taxes at the EU level and has no legacy
of permanent fiscal transfers from the richer countries, like Germany,
to the poorer countries, like Greece
With All That We are Dealing with here in Ohio and in the United States, I am not going to make believe that I know anything of what Europe should or should not do. The most that this American can do from way across the Atlantic Ocean is Hope and Pray that whatever the Europeans decide to do is for the best and that they solve their problems in a far more mature way than the American Government.
Not only because of how interconnected we are in this Global Economy, but also in memory of my Mother's Father was the only and only of my Grandparents who was born here in America, both my Grandmothers were born in what was then the Kingdom of Bohemia and my Father's Father graduated from the University of Austria, but little talk that I can remember of where he was from, but with a Polish name--I assume that it was from Poland.
Dear Reader, I am Passing this E-mail On, because some fights are very much worth fighting and some causes are worth dying for, because people are worth it no matter what there Race, Creed, Color, Religion, Gender, Gender Preference, Gender Identification or where on this planet called Earth that they call--Home. People are Worthy of Respect.

week in Zambia, Margret’s land was finally returned to her. It was the
end of a five-year legal battle, and it’s the beginning of a new future
for her family.
is a widow and mother of eight. She also cares for her elderly mother
and two orphans. After her husband passed away in 2004, she inherited
the land and the small grocery stand where he had worked. But a neighbor
saw Margret’s vulnerability, stepped forward and stole her land and her
a story we hear all too often in Zambia: After the death of a husband,
widows are kicked off their land by more powerful neighbors. Without
their land, these women cannot provide the most basic necessities for
their children – just finding food and shelter can become a life and
death struggle.
needed an advocate, and in 2007, she found IJM. It was a long and
complicated battle in the courts, but Margret has not been fighting
alone. And this week, we are celebrating the victory together.
that Margret’s land and business has been returned, she can start
selling groceries again and feeding her own family. Her children and
grandchildren will have a future that simply wouldn’t be possible if
Margret hadn’t gotten her land back.
Thank you for standing with us in Zambia. You make it possible for IJM to keep
fighting on behalf of widows who desperately need their rights protected so they can provide for their families.

Sean Litton
Vice President of Field Operations
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