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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here is to Rebooting this Blog

Well, I meant to write here every day, I started out writing every day, but some how fold. So today is a fresh new start and see how long it lasts. Well, half the reason that I gave up on posting was because my passing on various petitions did not turn out as I was hoping they would, so extreme disappointment set in and not posting became easier than posting, but that was then, this is now. Now I hope to begin again,again.
Well, the Cleveland Indians are playing their last game of the season--a season that started out so well, now is about to end and the best they can do now is finish with a win and a 81-81 record.
Well, there is always the Cleveland Browns, who started 2-1 who play the Tennessee Titans and we find out if they are for real or not.
Tomorrow, I restart my computer classes, which I also started out strong then folded when I missed a class due to a family errand, which at the time was a higher priority--my younger son needed a ride to an interview and since he now works at the same Giant Eagle, but different location. I think I made the right decision to drive him.

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