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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Poem--United--from Poems of Patriotism 1942

Forgotten petty difference now,
The larger purpose glows,
Its deadly lightning shows.
The Ship of State must bear us all
And danger makes us kin,
As one, we all shall rise or fall,
So shall we strive to win.

Our banner's flying at the mast,
Our course lies straight ahead;
The ocean's trough is deep and rough,
The waves are stained with red.
The bond of danger tighter grows,
We serve a common plan;
Send o'er the sea the word that we
Are all Americans.

One hundred million sturdy soul
Once more united stand,
As one, you will find them all behind
The banner of our land.
And side by side they work today
In silken garb or rag,
And once again our troops of men
Are brothers of the flag.

And from the storm that hovers low,
And from the angry sea
Where dangers lurk and hate's at work,
Shall come to new victory.
The flag shall know not race or creed,
Nor different bands of men;
A people strong round it shall throng
To ne'er divide again.

This poem was written at the start of WWII. One day, these budget debate will be history also. One day, we will learn to agree to disagree enough to find common ground to have a functional government.  After all, if we do not then we will become Not.

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