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Monday, March 17, 2014

In Support of Freedom of Speech>>>

Personally, I find it very ironic, but true to Republican Party form. They would pull a we do unto you, but you had better not do unto us--We have Freedom of Speech and the Right to Tell you what you can or can not say>>>>This Is why I am passing on this Email from MoveOn>>>

Breaking news: The state of Louisiana is suing in federal court.1 They're trying to force us to take down a billboard that calls out Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal—an aspiring presidential candidate—for denying health care to 242,000 people.
After carefully discussing the matter with our lawyers, we've made a decision: We're leaving our billboard up—even if we have to take this fight all the way to the Supreme Court.
This lawsuit is unprecedented in MoveOn's sixteen-year history. And it will take all of us to respond. Normally, we ask for folks to donate when they can—and we know that not everyone can give every time. But today, we're urgently asking all MoveOn members to step up to the plate and help with a monthly contribution starting now.
Can you donate as little as $5 a month—or as much as you can afford—to make sure MoveOn has the resources we need to defend ourselves in court and keep our work going?

We need to go all-in to fight this lawsuit. But, at the same time, we simply can't de-fund our campaigns in the other 24 states where Republicans are blocking their own people from getting Medicaid. And our other critical work needs to be maintained.
Without the resources we need to fight back, this legal battle could amount to a costly distraction from our real work. But on the other hand, if we can muster a full response and keep our core campaigning going, it's actually great news because:
1. We've drawn a future presidential candidate into a fight over health care—on our terms.
2. This lawsuit is completely baseless. As Tulane University constitutional law professor Keith Werhan said last week: "The government can't legally silence those who are criticizing them."2
3. The deeper the state of Louisiana takes this—and the more national press we get—the more attention we bring to the real substance. Which is that Gov. Bobby Jindal—who wants to be president someday—is denying health coverage to 242,000 Louisianans.
This is a big moment for MoveOn—and we're asking MoveOn members to dig deep right now with a monthly contribution so we can rise to the challenge. Can you chip in
as much as you can spare each month to help MoveOn during this pivotal moment?

I hope that you too also believe in Freedom of Speech as much as I do. After all, the lies that the Republicans repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat about our President Barack Obama and Various Democratic Senators and Democratic Reps and Democratic Governors--It is sad that they would sue to take down a billboard for daring to tell the Truth about a Republican Governor--with all the lies they spread everywhere from Facebook to other books to their own news network--otherwise known as Fox News.

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