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Learn How to Check Your Privilege
It seems as though the way most Americans view the "right way" to deal with race is to try to completely ignore it--to pretend that it doesn't exist. But the murder of Trayvon Martin is a tragic example that deep-seated fears exist entrenched in the human mind. Martin's death should be a reality check to us all.
To Care2 blogger Christy Diane Farr, Trayvon Martin's death resonated to her as a reality check that there are some injustices that Trayvon, as a young black man, and many others like him face each day--injustices over things that she, as a white woman, realizes that she has taken for granted never having to experience. Read her insightful account on acknowledging privilege, prejudice, and taking steps to combat the fearful mentality quietly consuming our country.
For today's Daily Action, learn what privilege is and how you can check it. Read this article about what this incident means for us as individuals in a diverse and sometimes tense society and how we can return it to love, understanding, and unity in light of Trayvon Martin's death. . . .
Today, One Month ago, this murder happened. The sad reality is that George Zimmerman has yet to be charged with this crime, but he did find one Joe 'Uncle Tom' Oliver to defend him so that he could stay in hiding like Bin Laden and Saddam Husein did.
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