Zimmerman Lawyer Walks on ‘Hardball’ Interview
O’Donnell accused other networks on which Sonner has appeared of ‘softball’ questions and failing to call him out on contradictions, such as Sonner saying that Zimmerman had not told him what happened the night that Trayvon Martin was killed to one journalist, then telling another what had happened. . . .
George Zimmerman‘s attorney, Craig Sonner, last night bailed on an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. O’Donnell then aired a furious segment in which he posed the questions he would have asked to an empty chair.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/zimmerman-lawyer-walks-on-hardball-interview.html#ixzz1qMAykT00
As one Billie C wrote and this Blog is in full agreement with "let the feds handle it.
now the black panthers have put a bounty on zimmermans head. what makes them better than the kkk? this is all getting out of hand. i even saw where some care2 member put zimmermans address and phone number on this site.
lets have a lynching with the support of the news services and so called people that care.
i'm sure that will make us better people than zimmerman.
stop the foolishness."
That was indeed wrong; that is if it did actually happen. After all, this is all I personally know about the situation--Vigilantism is Wrong---All Forms of Vigilantism is Wrong! After all, two wrongs do not make a right. However, by letting George Zimmerman walk free Justice was not served either. What is needed and only what is needed is his arrest for Murder and All the Evidence, Including the results of a Polygraph test presented in a Court of Law and from there the verdict by either the judge or jury either guilty or not-guilty according to the 'Stand Your Ground Law' must stand.
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