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Friday, March 23, 2012


YES, THERE ARE RALLIES HERE IN OHIO--> OVER in Cleveland. The Rally will be at 4 O'Clock at Tower City. Followed by a March to the Justice Center.  And in Elyria; at Ely Park.  I am going to find out if there are any near enough to Akron, Ohio--For me to attend TODAY, As of the writing of this blog--PLEASE EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN READING THIS BLOG TODAY--DO THE SAME--FIND OUT IF THERE IS A RALLY--THAT IS ALL I AM ASKING--MORE THAN THAT--IT IS UP TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON.

Would police have handled things differently if the roles -- and more specifically the races -- were reversed? READ MORE
By Felipe Delerme / AlterNet

This--This In-justice should have never got started or at least should have ended long ago.  It should have ended before the 1960's or at least in the 1960's or before we started the 21st Century. 
I may be to late to keep this In-justice from entering into the 21st Century, BUT IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO DO THE RIGHT THING. NOW-NOW IS THE TIME FOR THIS TO END!!!!! 

tag: stand your ground laws

Demand Justice For Trayvon Martin: Repeal “Stand Your Ground” Law

Demand Justice For Trayvon Martin: Repeal “Stand Your…

This Law that was enacted under then Gov. Jeb Bush and the NRA is trying to spread to other states, goes too far and is far too deadly. IF people have the right to shoot then the law had better hold them responsible for the results.  Yes, sometimes people need to be able to defend themselves, but IF they do so with a gun and kill, they had better be made to prove that it truly was self-defense. After all, when a person kills in self-defense--they have taken on the roll of judge, jury and executioner; therefore, they must be able to prove their judgment was absolutely justifiable or else be held responsible for the results.

The head of the Sanford police force has temporarily stepped down in the wake of mounting public anger over the department’s handling of the killing of Trayvon Martin. Bill Lee, the head of the police force, made the announcement today.

Sanford, Fla. Police Chief Bill Lee said Thursday he will temporarily step aside as public anger mounts over the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.
Lee said it has become obvious to him that he had become a "distraction" in the case and that he would "temporarily remove himself" from his position. Sanford's city manager said that he would seek an interim police chief.    Read more

This is an interesting development in the case--BUT IT IS NOT THE ARREST OF ONE--GEORGE ZIMMERMAN!  George Zimmerman , This Coward, who is not only in hiding, but according to the News is now hiding behind the Holy Bible. After all, IF he really and truly had a Religious Conversion then He would be lead to turn himself in to the Police Department.  After all, True Christianity Is About Doing THE RIGHT THING. 


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