First things first, when I say that I will do something, it becomes very important that I do it. When I wrote--to be continued--it was an act of procrastination, but not the end of the matter. The blood shed is too serious-too deathly serious for us, the rest of the world, the luxury of ignoring any longer. Lives must be saved. This tyranny must end.
Latest Syria News
Syria uprising: latest
Live coverage of developments in Syria, as security forces claim they have taken control of Baba Amr in Homs and Britain withdraws all diplomatic staff. . . . . .
The temptation is to yell and scream--Where is the World's Outrage; but true confession time. I know where the outrage is. After all, some atrocities are too horrible to face or to deal with, so we avoid facing it, especially myself--I have to start with the person in the mirror, who at the wrong time turns coward, Lord Forgive me, Jesus. But, this slaughter has got to end and those in charge, the current Government must be held responsible. This dictator needed to step down and now he is a criminal who must be dealt with accordingly.
But, yet, I can not end this blog on the note of death and destruction. I like ending on an up swing and to that end----->
Women in Science
Maria Mitchell
On October 1, 1847, Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) gazed through her telescope from the rooftop of her home and discovered a comet, thus becoming the first person to find a comet by telescope. Her achievement brought her international recognition and marked the beginning of an illustrious career. The first woman to be elected to both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the advement of Science, Mitchell in 1865 took the post of director of the observatory at Vassar College, where she taught and conducted research for twenty years. She used her stature to champion women in the sciences and was an influential and deeply admired mentor to many.
Be sure to read about how other female, African-American and other scientists helped shape our history and make our world what it is today.
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