Boehner Appoints NOM Founder to Fight for Religious Rights
House Leader John Boehner, amid revelations of the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage’s race-baiting and child-recruiting ways, has appointed a NOM founder to the U.S. International Religious Freedom Commission. . . .
Dr. George has frequently spoken out about his belief that same-sex marriage will necessarily lead to polygamy and that same-sex marriage endangers children. He is also credited with helping to originate the anti-gay Manhattan Declaration, an evangelical pact avowing that America should follow a “biblical” view of morality. The declaration highlights supporters’ opposition to, among other issues, LGBT rights and women’s reproductive rights. . . .
Boehner has received considerable heat over his allotting up to $1.5 million of tax payer money to fighting to preserve the Defense of Marriage Act — opponents of the federal gay marriage ban claim this is a waste of funds, and supporters claim Boehner isn’t doing enough to preserve the anti-gay law.
I do not believe in guns--After all, the Pen is indeed mightier than the Sword--especially when signing a petition such as-->
Along with joining me in signing this petition, I would encourage each and everyone who reads this to go to Starbucks for a cup of coffee or tea or anything to say Thank You for the companies most risky stand of support for Gay Marriages Thank You Starbucks-->Give All Families Equal Protections: Repeal DOMA Defense of Marriage Act unfairly denies kids basic rights and safety nets - just because their parents are gay.share
What Everyone Needs To Know About The Smear Campaign Against Trayvon Martin (1995-2012)
Trayvon Martin, as he appeared on his actual Facebook pageOver the last 48 hours, there has been a sustained effort to smear Trayvon Martin, the 17-year old African-American who was shot dead by George Zimmerman a month ago. Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, said, “They killed my son, now they’re trying to kill his reputation.”
Thus far these attacks have fallen into two categories: false and irrelevant. Much of this leaked information seems intended to play into stereotypes about young African-American males. Here’s what everyone should know: Read more
This--THIS IS WHY THIS BLOGGER CALLS FOR THE POLYGRAPH!!!! FEDS WHEN YOU FINALLY GET AROUND TO DOING YOUR JOB OF JUSTICE AND ARREST GEORGE ZIMMERMAN--ADMINISTER THE POLYGRAPH!!!! After all, with only one person alive to tell what had happened it is far to easy for Zimmerman to Lie. Now his supporters have free reign to say any thing about the young man to is too dead to defend himself.
After all, as a Mother, I cannot nor will not idly stand by while another Mother's Murdered Son Reputation is dragged through the mud, because he-himself-Trayvon Martin-is too dead to speak up for himself. This is yet more self inflicted evidence against the cowardly George Zimmerman and his supporter who are Actively Subverting JUSTICE.
BTW--I am part German also,( Not only was I born and raised Lutheran Church, but also served in the Army Reserve with many of my fellow German-Americans) so George Zimmerman, I can and do recognize a fellow German or Semi-German by name!!! SO STOP-- THE BULL SHIT ABOUT BEING Latino--YOU ARE AT LEAST PART GERMAN. After all, how else can you be sporting a German Name like Zimmerman??????
As far as this BULL SHIT-that poor George Zimmerman is suffering from Posttraumatic stress disorder--Let us, the citizens of the U.S. and the World, not be deceived!!After all, IF George Zimmerman is suffering from PTSD--He caused it himself by taking the Law into his own hands even though the Police told him not to. IF he had listen to the Police and backed off he would have nothing to complain about and Trayvon Martin would still be alive to tell his side. Therefore, IF George Zimmerman is really actually factually telling the truth for once, then this PTSD IS SELF-INFLICTED.
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