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Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Morning Mix So Far

Rush Limbaugh and the Christian right associate contraception with promiscuity, but that’s out of step with most of America. READ MORE
Naomi Cahn, June Carbone / AlterNet
What we need to do is, one way or another, drag those Right-Wingers into the 21 Century, whether they want to or not. After all, this war on contraception is sooo 20th Century, that is early--very early 20th Century.  Now a days, birth control is for families, for smaller families. After all, with the Human population at it new high, many couples do not want to add to the over-population, so they opt for 1-2 children and birth control.
Deborah Feldman grew up in Brooklyn's Satmar Hasidic Jewish community, then secretly enrolled in college, left her husband and her family, and became a feminist blogger. READ MORE

By Amy Benfer / Salon

Well, writing this as a reformed Fundamentalist Christian, I can understand and sympathize with anyone else who has left Fundamentalism behind.
Believe it or not,waaaaay back in 1988 I got married in an Assembly of God Church, where I was a member and my late husband joined.
I remember one of the last services that I attended. Another church closed down for one reason or another, which I have forgotten and really does not matter. The point being, our church attendance which was very very small, suddenly became rather large, which excited our pastor a little too much, since after the sermon--he started reading from what sounded like the Republican Party Platform. This silenced the congregation to the utmost degree, since he said he was expecting all kinds of 'Amens and Glori Hallelujahs' and the like. Unfortunately, he forgot the church was and still is in Cuyahoga County, one of the most heavily Democratic Counties in Ohio, if not in the Nation.

As I close this blog the news is announcing that Mr. Vladimir Putin won the Russian presidential election and to tell the truth, this American can not say whether that is Good News or Bad News or Something else. After all, what I do not know nor understand about Russian Politics fills volumes. The most that I can do from this distance is hope and pray that this election result works out for the Russian people. After all, no matter what country is involved, one story remains the same--it is about the people--what can and should be done for the common good of and for the people. Since this looks like the election result--I hope and pray that it works out well

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