Push To Renew Violence Against Women Act Faces Resistance
US Politics & Gov't
Kit - 12 hours ago - nationalpartnership.org
Senate Democrats are launching an effort to renew the Violence Against Women Act, a law that passed with broad bipartisan support in 1994 but now faces strong opposition from conservatives, the New York Times reports. *** It's only women, who cares? . . . .
Community, Civil Rights Leaders Call for Justice in Trayvon Martin Shooting
African-American pastors, community leaders and concerned citizens across Central Florida, called today for swift action and justice in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
At the Allen Chapel AME Church in Sanford, civil rights organizations joined the chorus in calling for a thorough investigation of Martin’s death.Central Florida Urban League’s (CFUL) president and chief executive officer Allie L. Braswell, Jr., was among those calling for immediate action leading to justice for the teen.“We fully support the community’s cry in Sanford for the release of the 9-1-1 transcripts, and for a thorough investigation into the shooting death of Trayvon Martin,” Braswell said.Added Braswell, “This is an unfortunate and especially tragic incident given that a youth’s life was lost. A private citizen taking law enforcement into his own hands is not and cannot be condoned. Our society cannot allow this return to vigilantism to have any inference of support from our elected or law enforcement officials.” . . . .To Read More Go To-->http://westorlandonews.com/2012/03/14/community-civil-rights-leaders-call-for-justice-in-trayvon-martin-shooting/
Trayvon Martin shooting: Screams, shots heard on 911 call
Two shots and screaming can be heard in dramatic 911 calls released late Friday from the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
In one call, placed by the shooter George Zimmerman, he actively pursues the teen before the deadly shooting.
"Are you following him," an emergency dispatcher asks after Zimmerman describes Trayvon as a black male who was acting suspiciously.
Zimmerman responds: "Yeah."To Read More Go To--> http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-trayvon-martin-shooting-911-call-20120316,0,5950789.story
This blog is dedicated to many things, but especially injustice. Yes, violence against women must end. Yes, the Republican Party's war on women's rights must end. However, more than that a cold-blooded murder should not be permitted to walk away. Dear God, If this blogger finds that the police who refused to arrest a White man for shooting an Unarmed African-American youth, because the man claimed 'self-defense' were also white. There will be an out cry.
Then, again, there should be no surprise. After all, Florida is a southern Republican State. First the Republican Party declared war on Homosexuals, then on Women, why should I be surprised that the Party of Old White men would also declare war on Civil Rights? Hispanic- and Asian- and Jewish- and Arab-Americans should be next--the question is--in what order???
Oh, by the way, today is indeed St. Patrick's Day, which is why today is a good day to promote justice and non-violence, since St. Patrick was the Christian Missionary who brought Christianity to Ireland. To read more about St. Patrick go to-->Saint Patrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh, by the way, today is indeed St. Patrick's Day, which is why today is a good day to promote justice and non-violence, since St. Patrick was the Christian Missionary who brought Christianity to Ireland. To read more about St. Patrick go to-->Saint Patrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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