Help Women Around the World Create a Path Out of Poverty
Many women in the developing world don't need a handout, they need a hand up. And FINCA microloans can provide just that. These small loans can help hardworking woman start or build a small businesses and create a path out of poverty.
FINCA loans can help transform the lives of women and families struggling in poverty, and can have far-reaching impact throughout their communities. When women have access to microloans, it can create amazing results, not just for them but for their families and communities. It can mean better nutrition, shelter, and clothing for entire families, and help pay the fees required to send children to school.
That means hope for a better future: one woman, one family, one community at a time.
For today's Daily Action, explore the programs at FINCA and see how microfinance is helping women around the world create a path out of poverty!
We women need to wake up and smell the coffee, we are in this together each and everyone of us all around the world. After all, as sure as Muslim Fundamentalist/Extremist would take away Equal Right from women, so would Christian Fundamentalist/ Extremists, along with others from Judaism to any and every religion under the sun, which was founded by an ancient people.
After all, Economic independence is security, with economic independence comes the courage of the confidence of -- All I need is myself. When a woman provides for her family then no one can keep her down, because she has too many reasons to get back up again and again and again and . . . .
After all, remember Rush Limbaugh's sexist remarks and our tax money still keeps him on the military radio.
By Kristen Gwynne | AlterNet
Backlash against Rush Limbaugh's infamous Sandra Fluke comments culminated in more than five minutes of dead air yesterday, after more than fifty advertisers pulled their promotions form the show. Evidently, finding replacements to support the well-known misogynist has been trying.On top of the silence (which must have been a pleasant oasis for listeners), Media Matters reports:
- A total of 86 ads aired during WABC's broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show [yesterday].
- 77 of those ads were public service announcements donated free of charge by the Ad Council.
- Of the nine paid spots that ran, seven were from companies that have said they have taken steps to ensure their ads no longer air during the program.
By Alex Seitz-Wald | Think Progress
Questions about women and womens’ health have dominated the political debate over the past weeks, and at least one female Republican lawmaker is unhappy with her party’s record. New York Assemblyman Teresa Sayward (R), who is retiring after serving a decade in Albany, told the New York political program Capital Tonight that she does not support any of her party’s presidential candidates, because of their stances on women.
She also took an apparent shot at Republicans’ opposition to President Obama’s birth control mandate, saying, “It’s disheartening for me to see our party move away from what it was always about and that is to stay out of people’s lives, let them live their lives, don’t impose their religion on anybody else.” Read more
By Jamilah King | Colorlines
A Ugandan journalist isn’t very impressed with the Kony 2012 video that’s gone viral this week. “It simplifies the story of millions of people in northern Uganda and makes out a narrative that is often hard about Africa, about how hopeless people are in times of conflict.” She adds: “If you are showing me as voiceless, as hopeless, you have no space telling my story, you shouldn’t be telling my story.”The woman goes on to talk about local initiatives that have been used to try to end the conflict. Must watch. Read more
Enough said, as Syrian Women also cry out to be heard for JUSTICE. Remember them and the one person that on the social network of the Mixxingbowl, who was the first and most active person on their behalf--A Canadian Gentleman, who goes by the screen name of--Zolicon, whom I am doing my best to heed his call to action.
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