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Monday, July 22, 2013

Here is to safe drinking water, in of all places, the United States. I remember, once upon a time, this was only a third world problem. Save drinking water is indeed everyone's concern.

Outbreak of Intestinal Disease Cyclosporiasis Sickens 200

An outbreak of the intestinal illness cyclosporiasis has sickened more than 200 people in four states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This is why we need to be ever vigilant about our drinking water. Not that 'fracking' caused the parasite, but the parasite does serve to remind us how precious the safety of our drinking water is. This is why Cher needs your signature on her petition. Thank You.

Protect Our Appalachian Mountains and Waterways ! PLEASE SIGN ! !

Cher -
If you love our Appalachian Mountains and waterways, tell the EPA to protect these streams and rivers from mountaintop removal mining pollution.

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