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Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving Means More than Money

Take Their Poll.
Have you ever texted a donation?
Ok, I confess, my vote was--> I've only done it for a crisis, in my case it was the Haiti Earthquake relief, since I am not that good with texting new addresses. Those whom I have on speed dial, like my sons, I can do fairly well with, but otherwise, not so good. 

Giving Means More than Money

By DailyWorth Team Sent: Monday November 28, 2011
Etsy_Tiny Heart Canvas
If you’re thinking about giving now to a cause you care about, you’re not alone. The average person makes 24% of her annual donations between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, according to research from the Center on Philanthropy.

But between regular expenses and crazy holiday costs, what if you can’t spare much? Thanks to the power of the Internet, there are two ways you can add oomph to every buck:
  • Go viral. Promote your cause on Facebook and Twitter, and include a link to the organization’s donation form. “You’d be amazed at how many of your friends will click through and give,” says Alice Hendricks, founder of nonprofit consulting firm Jackson River.

  • Go auto. Many charities now let you set up regular contributions that are automatically charged to a card. The monthly gifts are typically just $5–$15, but over the year they add up to more than the average one-time donation, says Ben Smith, director of online fundraising and promotion for nonprofit public television stations in New York, including Thirteen. (Bonus: this paperless method is eco-friendly.)

 This is excellent, superb!! But only when giving to a mature adult or families where both parents are working at good paying jobs,  who already has everything they want or need in the 'materialistic' sense. 
In my case, I am thinking about this for my mother-in-law and aunt.
 After all, I can also see how giving a gift like this could also be given, simply to make the giver feel good; like when it is given to a working poor family with small children. In that case, I would hope more people buy toys and clothes and more toys.

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