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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

7 Golden Rules for a Job Hunt

DailyWorth is hiring—and the experience has gotten us thinking about lessons we’ve learned from hundreds of job applications we’ve vetted over the last two years. From us to you, our seven top tips for a successful job hunt:

Prove that you can use Google. Research the company and the position you’re applying (and don’t address the hiring manager as Mr. if she’s a Ms.). Trust us, the more savvy you seem, the more you’ll stand out.
You are the answer. Don’t blather on about your job skills in the cover letter; use that precious space to explain why you and your experience, specifically, are a great fit for the company and position in question.
Keep it clean. Unless it’s requested, don’t attach your cover letter in your email or online application—it’s cumbersome. Write a short, pithy note in the body of the email, and attach your resume only.
Check yourself. You know that bad grammar is a no-no. But avoid other obvious faux pas, like poor vocabulary or mixing up which position you’re apply for. This guide will help.
Get verb-happy. You’ve heard it before: using verbs makes your applications stronger. But for pete’s sake use the right verbs!
Go for quality, not quantity. Sending a blizzard of identical job apps WON’T LAND YOU A JOB. Take the time to craft the letter and application for each position.

School us. Share your best small-but-important job hunt Dos and Don’ts with us. Pronto!

Born To Stand Out - Dr Seuss Quote - Pen drawn art card

Born To Stand Out - Dr Seuss Quote - Pen drawn art card
Born To Stand Out - Dr Seuss Quote - Pen drawn art card Born To Stand Out - Dr Seuss Quote - Pen drawn art card
Stand out in life -- be ridiculous, wear crazy hats, sport a fabulous moustache or maybe dance your way around the supermarket, but most importantly stand up and be proud that you are you!

A prefect gift for someone who needs a little boost or just pop it by the door to remind you it's always best to be yourself rather than like everyone else :)

This illustration is produced using black pen on GF Smith Citrene colorplan 270gsm card. It measures 10.5cm x 14.8cm (4.1 in x 5.8 in). Colorplan is made from 100% virgin ECF fibres. ECF fibre is an acid-free and chlorine-free product, it also has FSC accreditation.

Thank you for dropping by, remember to add us to your favourites so you can find us again - etsy is a big place!
Strickly FYI for any fans of the Late Dr. Seus or anyone who knows a fan of . . . . 

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I found a new job, after months and months of searching, But I know and understand and respect the fact that I got blessed in finding a new job. There are still many-many-many people in U.S. and around the world who are either still looking or know someone who is or both. I hope and pray that by passing this on I can either be a Blessing to someone or at least be part of someone's Blessing. After all, to paraphrase that old saying about fishes/ fishing--> Give to charity (which is good and fine) you feed someone's family for a day; help that person get a job and they feed their own family for life.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bring a Little Sunshine to Your Morning


Many experts will tell you to keep your bedroom as dark as possible so you can sleep better. But I say you should let Mother Nature be your alarm clock. Sunlight governs our natural sleep-wake cycles. Artificial lighting, however, tends to throw off this cycle, making us feel alert at night when the world’s natural darkness would otherwise signal our brains to feel sleepy. Artificially darkened rooms also throw off this cycle, making us feel tired in the morning when natural sunlight would wake us up.

Let the sun wake you up! Stop pulling your shades down when you go to bed at night. That way, your room will become gradually lighter as the sun rises, slowly arousing your body and mind out of sleep. Follow this advice, and you’ll already be awake and alert long before your alarm clock sounds – no more waking up to that annoying buzzer!

Check out Health Bistro for more healthy food for thought. See what Lifescript editors are talking about and get the skinny on latest news. Share it with your friends (it’s free to sign up!), and bookmark it so you don’t miss a single juicy post!

Sounds nice for the people who get to sleep in, or maybe work 9 to 5 and near enough to home, except what do people like me do? I wake up and get to work while it is still dark. Or people like my younger son, David, do; he works third shift. When the sun come up is his time to go to bed. No wonder he needs extra blankets to cover up the light that comes in through the windows.  Or the people who work second shift, like my late husband, I remember it took him and average of an hour  or so, of being home to relax enough to go to sleep.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving Means More than Money

Take Their Poll.
Have you ever texted a donation?
Ok, I confess, my vote was--> I've only done it for a crisis, in my case it was the Haiti Earthquake relief, since I am not that good with texting new addresses. Those whom I have on speed dial, like my sons, I can do fairly well with, but otherwise, not so good. 

Giving Means More than Money

By DailyWorth Team Sent: Monday November 28, 2011
Etsy_Tiny Heart Canvas
If you’re thinking about giving now to a cause you care about, you’re not alone. The average person makes 24% of her annual donations between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, according to research from the Center on Philanthropy.

But between regular expenses and crazy holiday costs, what if you can’t spare much? Thanks to the power of the Internet, there are two ways you can add oomph to every buck:
  • Go viral. Promote your cause on Facebook and Twitter, and include a link to the organization’s donation form. “You’d be amazed at how many of your friends will click through and give,” says Alice Hendricks, founder of nonprofit consulting firm Jackson River.

  • Go auto. Many charities now let you set up regular contributions that are automatically charged to a card. The monthly gifts are typically just $5–$15, but over the year they add up to more than the average one-time donation, says Ben Smith, director of online fundraising and promotion for nonprofit public television stations in New York, including Thirteen. (Bonus: this paperless method is eco-friendly.)

 This is excellent, superb!! But only when giving to a mature adult or families where both parents are working at good paying jobs,  who already has everything they want or need in the 'materialistic' sense. 
In my case, I am thinking about this for my mother-in-law and aunt.
 After all, I can also see how giving a gift like this could also be given, simply to make the giver feel good; like when it is given to a working poor family with small children. In that case, I would hope more people buy toys and clothes and more toys.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Capital News: Jobs, economic growth would salve the memory of Ohio Senate Bill 5

Columbus -- I told you a couple of months back that Gov. John Kasich has a lot riding on the future success of Ohio's energy industry, particularly the emerging horizontal hydraulic fracturing method of extracting oil and gas from shale formations located deep under the eastern part of the state.
That's probably even more true following the stomping Issue 2 took at the ballot box earlier this month, when more than 61 percent of voters said they didn't want the controversial collective bargaining reform outlined in Senate Bill 5 to become the law of the land.
But it's way too early in Kasich's four-year term to think that Senate Bill 5 will have the kind of lasting impact on his re-election chances that some Democrats have suggested.
That's where fracking comes into the picture. Because three years from now, all will be forgiven and forgotten if Ohioans are able to find stable, good-paying jobs -- the types of positions that have been nonexistent for a few years in the state.
In speeches before a variety of audiences, Kasich touts the potential economic impact of horizontal hydraulic fracturing.
"If in fact we find what we hope we will find, which is dry gas in the east, wet gas in the middle and liquids or petroleum oil in the western part, we've got a bonanza," he said one day last week.
The governor also points out the billions of dollars that have already been invested in the state, via land leases by companies hoping to tap into the Ohio's energy potential. Those funds will ripple through the state's economy, with more expected as steel tube, compressor and related products and services are produced to accommodate the industry.
"... Beauty salons and barber shops and restaurants and hotels -- it's fantastic that there are people now starting to get some money," he said. "Outsiders are investing in our state."
State officials have said repeatedly that they are working with drillers to ensure that facturing activities are done within the confines of Ohio's laws and regulations, but there's another aspect of this emerging industry that will gain increased attention in coming months and years -- job training.
Kasich has hinted for months that his administration has been working with colleges and universities on ways to better prepare students for future careers at companies with job openings in the state.

During a speech in Columbus last week, he said efforts are under way to recruit a company to help train students for oil and gas drilling work. And he said he wants more interaction between schools and businesses to help Ohio's youngsters identify their passions earlier in life, then work toward careers that fit those interests, whether the latter takes them to four-year universities for bachelor's degrees or to two-year colleges or other technical programs where they can learn a trade.
"I want to have more kids out there into the workplace where they can learn and get excited about things," he said, adding, "We ultimately need to have an education system that taps into our children's'or our grandchildren's passions. We need to find out at an early age what they're interested in ... We then need to build our education system around their passions and not build their passions around somebody else's idea of what education ought to be."
If successful, such a system would provide a ready, willing and able work force for companies that want to expand in Ohio, including those involved in horizontal hydraulic fracturing.
Kasich has a lot riding on quick and positive results of such efforts.
Marc Kovac is the Dix Capital Bureau Chief. Email him at or on Twitter at OhioCapitalBlog.

The big question is not how many jobs will be created with 'fracking', but what will we sacrifice by 'fracking'? Yes, I do understand and respect the fact that Ohio; like the rest of the nation, like the rest of the world needs jobs, but we also need fresh water even more. After all, many Ohioans, like my sister and her husband rely on well water, which is already very hard and already quite poluted, it needs cleaning up, not more polution. In addition to that, there are other job sources, many green jobs, such as installing solar panels and wind mills and the like.
After all, many Ohioans still work the 'Family Farm' who need to water their crops. In addition to that, there is the growing number of Ohio vineyards, which is why if we need and must do anything, clean up our ground water, not make it even worse than it already is

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy


The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy

The violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class's venality
Brandon Watts lies injured as Occupy Wall Street protesters clash with police in Zuccotti Park
Occupy Wall Street protester Brandon Watts lies injured on the ground after clashes with police over the eviction of OWS from Zuccotti Park. Photograph: Allison Joyce/Getty Images
US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated crackdown against peaceful OWS protesters in cities across the nation this past week. An elderly woman was pepper-sprayed in the face; the scene of unresisting, supine students at UC Davis being pepper-sprayed by phalanxes of riot police went viral online; images proliferated of young women – targeted seemingly for their gender – screaming, dragged by the hair by police in riot gear; and the pictures of a young man, stunned and bleeding profusely from the head, emerged in the record of the middle-of-the-night clearing of Zuccotti Park.
But just when Americans thought we had the picture – was this crazy police and mayoral overkill, on a municipal level, in many different cities? – the picture darkened. The National Union of Journalists and the Committee to Protect Journalists issued a Freedom of Information Act request to investigate possible federal involvement with law enforcement practices that appeared to target journalists. The New York Times reported that "New York cops have arrested, punched, whacked, shoved to the ground and tossed a barrier at reporters and photographers" covering protests. Reporters were asked by NYPD to raise their hands to prove they had credentials: when many dutifully did so, they were taken, upon threat of arrest, away from the story they were covering, and penned far from the site in which the news was unfolding. Other reporters wearing press passes were arrested and roughed up by cops, after being – falsely – informed by police that "It is illegal to take pictures on the sidewalk."
In New York, a state supreme court justice and a New York City council member were beaten up; in Berkeley, California, one of our greatest national poets, Robert Hass, was beaten with batons. The picture darkened still further when Wonkette and reported that the Mayor of Oakland acknowledged that the Department of Homeland Security had participated in an 18-city mayor conference call advising mayors on "how to suppress" Occupy protests.
To Europeans, the enormity of this breach may not be obvious at first. Our system of government prohibits the creation of a federalised police force, and forbids federal or militarised involvement in municipal peacekeeping.
I noticed that rightwing pundits and politicians on the TV shows on which I was appearing were all on-message against OWS. Journalist Chris Hayes reported on a leaked memo that revealed lobbyists vying for an $850,000 contract to smear Occupy. Message coordination of this kind is impossible without a full-court press at the top. This was clearly not simply a case of a freaked-out mayors', city-by-city municipal overreaction against mess in the parks and cranky campers. As the puzzle pieces fit together, they began to show coordination against OWS at the highest national levels.
Why this massive mobilisation against these not-yet-fully-articulated, unarmed, inchoate people? After all, protesters against the war in Iraq, Tea Party rallies and others have all proceeded without this coordinated crackdown. Is it really the camping? As I write, two hundred young people, with sleeping bags, suitcases and even folding chairs, are still camping out all night and day outside of NBC on public sidewalks – under the benevolent eye of an NYPD cop – awaiting Saturday Night Live tickets, so surely the camping is not the issue. I was still deeply puzzled as to why OWS, this hapless, hopeful band, would call out a violent federal response.
That is, until I found out what it was that OWS actually wanted.
The mainstream media was declaring continually "OWS has no message". Frustrated, I simply asked them. I began soliciting online "What is it you want?" answers from Occupy. In the first 15 minutes, I received 100 answers. These were truly eye-opening.
The No 1 agenda item: get the money out of politics. Most often cited was legislation to blunt the effect of the Citizens United ruling, which lets boundless sums enter the campaign process. No 2: reform the banking system to prevent fraud and manipulation, with the most frequent item being to restore the Glass-Steagall Act – the Depression-era law, done away with by President Clinton, that separates investment banks from commercial banks. This law would correct the conditions for the recent crisis, as investment banks could not take risks for profit that create kale derivatives out of thin air, and wipe out the commercial and savings banks.
No 3 was the most clarifying: draft laws against the little-known loophole that currently allows members of Congress to pass legislation affecting Delaware-based corporations in which they themselves are investors.
When I saw this list – and especially the last agenda item – the scales fell from my eyes. Of course, these unarmed people would be having the shit kicked out of them.
For the terrible insight to take away from news that the Department of Homeland Security coordinated a violent crackdown is that the DHS does not freelance. The DHS cannot say, on its own initiative, "we are going after these scruffy hippies". Rather, DHS is answerable up a chain of command: first, to New York Representative Peter King, head of the House homeland security subcommittee, who naturally is influenced by his fellow congressmen and women's wishes and interests. And the DHS answers directly, above King, to the president (who was conveniently in Australia at the time).
In other words, for the DHS to be on a call with mayors, the logic of its chain of command and accountability implies that congressional overseers, with the blessing of the White House, told the DHS to authorise mayors to order their police forces – pumped up with millions of dollars of hardware and training from the DHS – to make war on peaceful citizens.
But wait: why on earth would Congress advise violent militarised reactions against its own peaceful constituents? The answer is straightforward: in recent years, members of Congress have started entering the system as members of the middle class (or upper middle class) – but they are leaving DC privy to vast personal wealth, as we see from the "scandal" of presidential contender Newt Gingrich's having been paid $1.8m for a few hours' "consulting" to special interests. The inflated fees to lawmakers who turn lobbyists are common knowledge, but the notion that congressmen and women are legislating their own companies' profitsis less widely known – and if the books were to be opened, they would surely reveal corruption on a Wall Street spectrum. Indeed, we do already know that congresspeople are massively profiting from trading on non-public information they have on companies about which they are legislating – a form of insider trading that sent Martha Stewart to jail.
Since Occupy is heavily surveilled and infiltrated, it is likely that the DHS and police informers are aware, before Occupy itself is, what its emerging agenda is going to look like. If legislating away lobbyists' privileges to earn boundless fees once they are close to the legislative process, reforming the banks so they can't suck money out of fake derivatives products, and, most critically, opening the books on a system that allowed members of Congress to profit personally – and immensely – from their own legislation, are two beats away from the grasp of an electorally organised Occupy movement … well, you will call out the troops on stopping that advance.
So, when you connect the dots, properly understood, what happened this week is the first battle in a civil war; a civil war in which, for now, only one side is choosing violence. It is a battle in which members of Congress, with the collusion of the American president, sent violent, organised suppression against the people they are supposed to represent. Occupy has touched the third rail: personal congressional profits streams. Even though they are, as yet, unaware of what the implications of their movement are, those threatened by the stirrings of their dreams of reform are not.
Sadly, Americans this week have come one step closer to being true brothers and sisters of the protesters in Tahrir Square. Like them, our own national leaders, who likely see their own personal wealth under threat from transparency and reform, are now making war upon us.

 This and the non-stop political ads attacking Ohio's Freshmen Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown and attacking our Democratic President Obama by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has left me-not only wondering who are the U.S, Chamber of Commerce, but also very angry that they have this much money to spend on politics for a campaign that people will not be voting on until November of 2012, especially with all the news reports of how many people are in need of food and shelter and how few can afford to donate; and most especially with unemployment still very high at 9%. How can politics take the front stage? This is especially true for the Right Wing,Social Conservatives, who proclaim up and down, left and right that they 'are the True Christians', yet some how seem to have forgotten that it was Jesus Himself that told Peter 3 times that If he loved him to feed His Sheep (people). They run around quoting the Holy Bible day and night, yet act as if it does not really apply to them and then wonder why Christians get mocked or worse proclaim 'it the work of Witches or Warlocks or Demons' when the truth is that they themselves are the inspiration.
This is enough to wonder, every time that one of these political ad runs, does it really represent one person who was not hired, one head of house hold who can not feed his/her family, one house hold instead of donating to various charities is in need of their services, instead.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Leave a Legacy for Endangered Species

You've helped us become the nation's leading endangered species protection group, driving innovative legal, scientific and media campaigns forward. Thank you.

Without your activism and support we wouldn't be able to win protections, year after year, for the hundreds of imperiled plants and animals facing extinction and the millions of acres of critical habitat 

they need to survive.

The Center has grown from a small group of passionate, driven individuals to a highly sophisticated, nationwide powerhouse for biological diversity and at-risk species. Since founding the Center in 1989 I've spent my life pushing forward this mission, and I can tell you that we have decades of work left to do -- and we're not giving an inch.
Our legacy to the planet and all its inhabitants, down through the generations, must be a world that's rich with all the magnificent creatures evolution has given us -- the Florida manatee, jaguar and dwarf seahorse that inspire our wonder and imagination and sustain us with a livable globe.

I'm writing today to ask you to consider what your legacy will be. If you believe -- as our board of directors and staff do -- that we must plan for that future, I hope you'll consider making a legacy commitment to the Center.

There are many ways to support the Center's long-time work. A woman in California made us a residual beneficiary of her retirement plan; an author donated his book royalties; a couple in Florida put us in their will; and a marine biologist named us in her charitable remainder unitrust.

Legacy giving is a significant, vital way to support the Center long-term so we can continue our lifesaving work. It's a way to make a gift for the future without cutting corners in the present. There are many different ways to give, and I encourage you to start planning with your family for the legacy you want to leave. Talk with a financial advisor and check out our Web page for more information:

If you've already named the Center in your estate plans, please let us know so we can add you to the Legacy Society. If you prefer to be anonymous, we're happy to accommodate that.

Your support for the future will ensure that our staff can keep taking on the toughest challenges and defend against threats to our grandchildren's heritage of wild animals, plants and places.

Whether you have an advisor or are just starting to consider a legacy gift, my staff and I would be happy to talk with you about what your options might be. Reply to this email, call us toll-free at (866) 357-3349 x 318 or visit our website to learn more.

Thank you for considering a legacy commitment this year.


Kierán Suckling
Maybe it is me, but now that I am 50 years old, I find myself thinking more and more about what kind of legacy I am leaving behind. I remember as a child arguing with my older sister about which one of us would be the 'first woman president' obviously that did not happen, real life took over instead of childhood dreams.
But more and more, I hope and pray I can honestly say that I left behind a legacy of Truth, Fairness, Mercy and above all, Love and Compassion, especially Love of Family. Despite all this non-sense about business being the so called back bone of society, it is really The Family. After all, it is the parent of small children who is most likely to work all the extra hours needed to afford what they need, more than the 'greediest' single person without family responsibilities. A true loving Mother/Father would do anything/everything for their children, which is why The Family really does matter. After all, it is our True Legacy, because the world we leave behind is the world that they will raise our Grandchildren in.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Megyn Kelly’s pepper spray comments spark baclsh


Pepper spray, its effects, and its appropriateness continue to be top of mind in the media.
Following the protests at UC Davis, during which Occupy protesters were sprayed with pepper spray by a campus police officer, Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly went on the Bill O'Reilly show.
Kelly appeared to downplay the physical effects of pepper spray. Kelly said pepper spray is "like a derivative of real pepper. It's a food product essentially."

Maybr so, but her comments have sparked a spicy backlash. A petition is circulating on the Internet that suggests Kelly should put her eyeballs where her mouth is by getting sprayed with the substance on live television. Currently, more than 16,000 people have signed the pledge. Kelly herself notes in the interview that the spray is  "obviously invasive and obtrusive and several [people] went to the hospital."
Over the past 24 hours, Web searches for "megyn kelly" and "megyn kelly pepper spray" soared more than 1,000%. Additionally, related lookups for "what is pepper spray" and "pepper spray ingredients" also spiked into breakout status.
Numerous blogs have popped up to explain exactly what is in pepper spray. According to a recent entry from KQED, "high doses of some of the chemicals in pepper spray can produce respiratory, cardiac and neurologic problems, and even death."
HowStuffWorks explains that "the active ingredient in pepper spray is oleoresin capsicum (OC), a natural oil found in many types of hot peppers including cayenne peppers and other chili pepper." One milligram of capisicum can cause blisters on the skin.
As the Washington Post points out, this isn't the first time someone has sluffed off the effects of a unpleasant (to say the least) physical experience. In the past, a number of people, including Stephen Colbert and Jesse Ventura, called on Vice President Dick Cheney to try being waterboarded. Cheney was an adamant supporter of waterboarding and the results he contends the process delivered.
The investigation into the attack on the Davis protestors is ongoing. The police officer who used the pepper spray is currently on leave and has been the subject of an Internet meme, placing him (and his can of spray) in various historical locations. Look, there he is with the founding fathers.

I have written this before and I will write this again--The question is--Why pepper spray only Ms. Kelly; pepper spray all the 'News anchors/commentators' at Fox. After all they all need lessons in sensitivity. Or rather something like that, I never get the wording exactly right, even when I am trying to quote myself.

And according to wikipedia-->
Then-presidential candidate George W. Bush's cousin, John Prescott Ellis, was Fox News' projection team manager during the general election of 2000. After speaking numerous times on election night with his cousins George and Jeb,[26] Ellis, at 2:16 AM, reversed Fox News' call for Florida as a state won by Al Gore. Critics allege this was a premature decision, given the impossibly razor-thin margin (officially 537 of 5.9 million votes[27]), which created the "lasting impression that Bush 'won' the White House – and all the legal wrangling down in Florida is just a case of Democratic 'snippiness'."[28] Others, such as researcher John Lott, have responded that, by this reasoning, Fox News and the other networks were even more premature in initially calling the state for Gore, a call made while polls were still open, and which may have depressed voter turnout for Bush.[29]

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Take the Stress out of Arthritis

To really feel your best, try relieving the stress and anxiety that add to your joint pain.

By RealAge
Page 1 of 1

Did you know that your emotions can affect your joint health? It's true. Negative emotions like chronic stress, worry, and anxiety not only reduce your quality of life but also may make your joint pain feel worse.
And if you've got osteoarthritis, your body already has plenty to deal with without weathering the added burden of a lousy mood. So the next time you struggle to get out of a chair or mount a flight of stairs, think
Here are a few highly effective stress-quelling strategies you may want to try. Talk them over with your doctor.
Yes, I believe it. After all, I remember all to well, my unemployment, the stress of having more bills than money to pay them, which is especially worse during the holidays. After all, the one thing children understand the most is--"I want ____ and ____, but what they don't understand is Mommy cannot afford, at least with my sons that was a long painful lesson, especially for me, because If I could have afforded to pay them everything they wanted, I would have. I remember how it broke my heart to have to say No so often.

Tools to Help You Cope . . . Not Mope

Massage: If you've ever treated yourself to a therapeutic massage, you already know how wonderful it feels. But it's a top-notch stress soother, too. In fact, studies suggest that massage can relieve both musculoskeletal pain and the emotional stress that may come with it. Massage has even been shown to reduce blood pressure in some people. Just get some input from your doctor first to make sure the method you choose won't exacerbate joint pain or inflammation.
Yoga: Devotees regularly report a sublimely delicious state of deep relaxation after practicing yoga. And studies suggest that the stretching and strengthening benefits derived from yoga -- especially lyengar yoga -- may also help with pain and disability from osteoarthritis of the knee.
Tai chi: This ancient Eastern exercise has long been called a "moving meditation," and although more study is needed, research suggests that tai chi may reduce pain and improve physical function in people with knee OA.
about ways to turn around those feelings of frustration, anxiety, or sadness.
Ah, Yes, Tai chi. I remember my late father, Edward J. Chvosta, thoroughly enjoyed it. After he retired, he took it up and swore by it up and till his death at age 81.
Walking: Don't buy into the myth that regular exercise worsens osteoarthritis. Nothing could be further from the truth. But that doesn't mean you should be playing ice hockey or running marathons. Low-impact forms of exercise, like a brisk walk or a bike ride in the park, will nourish the cartilage in the joints as well as your mood. You need just 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise to up the production of feel-good brain chemicals in your brain.
Ah, yes, my favorite exercise, except in the winter. I am what is called--'A Freeze Baby  ;-)' one who does not handle the cold very well to say the least. Well, not without layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of clothes.
Progressive muscle relaxation: This quick and convenient stress-reducer is especially great for tight budgets and schedules. All you need is a few minutes to ease pain and stress with this activity. And it's free. Use this step-by-step guide to treat your anxiety with progressive muscle relaxation.
Meditation: Research suggests that Zen and other forms of mindfulness meditation may help alleviate chronic pain and the emotional uneasiness that comes from dealing with pain. Here's a quick primer on how to meditate on your own.
Guided imagery: Think of your muscles relaxing and unfurling like ribbons. Guided imagery like this can be a powerful tool in quieting negative thoughts and feelings and replacing them with positive ones. A moment or two each day may be all you need. Find your happy place in your mind, and go there often.
Talk therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of one-on-one or group counseling can help alleviate anxiety and depression -- whatever their underlying cause may be. Ask your doctor for a referral.

Take Your Joy Back

Whatever the state of your joint health, your mind is a powerful tool that can help you not only cope but thrive, too. So stay focused on the things that make you feel good, inside and out. If you find yourself struggling emotionally despite your own best efforts, talk to your doctor about your medical treatment options.
Check out this list of 23 daily depression-dashing tools from the YOU Docs.

Ah,yes, relaxation is important, especially in these trying times, especially while facing the stress of preparing Thanksgiving Dinner, which I hope and pray turns out well or at least well enough not to be a disaster, or at least a disaster that can be laughed at. For any and all my fellow Americans who happen to be reading this blog, May I Wish a Blessed Thanksgiving, and hopefully and prayerfully that all goes well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When the economy goes down heel heights go up

CLEVELAND - A new study suggests women are choosing lower heeled shoes and those high heels may soon be tossed in the back of the closet.
IBM says they've been monitoring billions of social media posts and heel heights are about to decline. Researchers say usually when the economy is bad, skirts get shorter and heels get higher.
That's because people turn to them as a means of fantasy and escape. In fact, over the last 100 years, high heels soared during the worst recessions.
So if times are tough, why are heel heights getting lower?
IBM says the move to a lower heel may indicate a mood of "long term austerity" that's evolving among consumers.
The study says high heels won't disappear altogether, but even high-end shoe designers like Jimmy Choo and Christian Louboutin are beginning to offer more kitten heels and flats.

Read more:

I have heard of other so called economic indicators, but this one, IMO take the cake. I can not speak for all women or all American women, but I can and will speak for myself. The only time I wear high heels is when I do not expect to do much walking or driving or standing. After all, high heels are worn for fashion,( especially by us shorter women to make ourselves look taller--I know I am 5' 4" a.k.a.162.56 cm ) not comfort, which is why I am usually seen in sneakers or loafers. After all, I am 50 years old, I am too old to worry about what I look like while my feet are aching.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Former FBI director to guide Penn State sex abuse inquiry/ Penn State Scandal: Bullying of Alleged Victim Prompts Paterno to Speak Out

(CNN) -- Former FBI Director Louis Freeh will lead an independent inquiry for Penn State University into the school's response to child sex abuse allegations, trustee Kenneth Frazier said Monday.
"No one -- no one -- is above scrutiny, including every member of the administration of the university, every member of our board of trustees, and every employee of the university," said Frazier, who was appointed to chair the special investigative committee into the university's response to allegations involving former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky.
A grand jury reported this month that university officials allegedly knew of allegations of misconduct on Sandusky's part, but failed to fully act on them.
Freeh, who will serve as special investigative counsel, said he extracted pledges of support and non-interference from university officials before taking on the job.
"This assurance is the main condition of my engagement," he said.
He said will appoint a team of former FBI agents and former federal prosecutors from his law firm to assist. Results of the investigation will be released to trustees and the public at about the same time, he said.
It's unclear how effective Freeh will be, said CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin.
"Louis Freeh is an honorable person, but the question is whether he will have the tools to do a thorough investigation." Toobin said.
With police, the university and even Sandusky's former charity, The Second Mile, conducting their own investigations, it's unclear whether witnesses will want to repeat their stories over and over again, he said.
At the heart of the scandal are accusations that Sandusky, the retired defensive coordinator for the Penn State football team, sexually abused a boy at the university football complex, and that law enforcement officials were not notified.
Yes! Good! Excellent!! Get and keep the FBI on this case! Why, because-->
The boy who first came forward to accuse former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky of sexual assault has been harassed so intensely that he had to leave high school, prompting ousted coach Joe Paterno to speak out against bullying.
The mother of the alleged victim, who set off the investigation that has rocked the world of college sports and led to 40 counts of child sexual assault against Sandusky, told ABC News that students at her son's high school blame him for triggering the sex abuse scandal that led to the firing of Paterno, the beloved head coach who oversaw the university's Nittany Lions football team for 46 years.
Speaking exclusively with "Good Morning America," the attorney representing Paterno said that the former coach denounces bullying, and called for respect in the name of the school.
"Coach Paterno strongly condemns harassment or bullying of any kind, and he asks anyone who truly cares about Penn State to conduct themselves honorably and with respect for others," attorney J. Sedgwick Sollers told ABC News.
Paterno had previously called for a prayer for the victims of abuse in the wake of the scandal breaking. He hasn't spoken publically since his ouster from the school and is reportedly battling lung cancer.
Psychologist Mike Gillum has been counseling the unnamed young man, who is referred to as Victim 1 in the Sandusky case grand jury report, for the past three years while the case was being investigated. He said that scorn and bullying can be a major concern for victims of abuse.
"It's very scary," Gillum told "GMA" this morning when discussing the state of mind of someone who's come forward after being victimized for years.
"You wonder what kind of push-back or what kind of reaction and how far that reaction might go in terms of people in the community. Will people threaten you? How hostile will things become?" he said.
Victim 1, who according to his testimony was 11 or 12 years old when he was first sexually abused by the 67-year-old former defensive coach, has been accused of changing his story as the case evolved. Sandusky's defense attorney has already publically said he's going to go after the credibility of the boy's story based on the fact that his statements escalated.
But Gillum says that victims of abuse often take time to reveal the full details of what happened.
"The level of humiliation, the level of insight into how deviant what's occurred is, means that they're not going to reveal that until they really feel comfortable," he said. "And that may take months, that might take a year or two."

Unfortunately, this only shows what kind of 'Big Business' College Football has become. It has all too often come down to 'The Sacred Win-- and Especially WINS' and those dreaded  loses over and above mere right and mere wrong. Let every one see and hear the character of  people  who live in Pennsylvania!!!  Please, people, please remember that football is only a game.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lobbying firm's memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street

By Jonathan Larsen and Ken Olshansky, MSNBC TV
A well-known Washington lobbying firm with links to the financial industry has proposed an $850,000 plan to take on Occupy Wall Street and politicians who might express sympathy for the protests, according to a memo obtained by the MSNBC program “Up w/ Chris Hayes.”
The proposal was written on the letterhead of the lobbying firm Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford and addressed to one of CLGC’s clients, the American Bankers Association.
CLGC’s memo proposes that the ABA pay CLGC $850,000 to conduct “opposition research” on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct “negative narratives” about the protests and allied politicians. The memo also asserts that Democratic victories in 2012 would be detrimental for Wall Street and targets specific races in which it says Wall Street would benefit by electing Republicans instead.
 According to the memo, if Democrats embrace OWS, “This would mean more than just short-term political discomfort for Wall Street. … It has the potential to have very long-lasting political, policy and financial impacts on the companies in the center of the bullseye.”
The memo also suggests that Democratic victories in 2012 should not be the ABA’s biggest concern. “… (T)he bigger concern,” the memo says, “should be that Republicans will no longer defend Wall Street companies.”
Two of the memo’s authors, partners Sam Geduldig and Jay Cranford, previously worked for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. Geduldig joined CLGC before Boehner became speaker;  Cranford joined CLGC this year after serving as the speaker’s assistant for policy. A third partner, Steve Clark, is reportedly “tight” with Boehner, according to a story by Roll Call that CLGC features on its website.
Jeff Sigmund, an ABA spokesperson, confirmed that the association got the memo. “Our Government Relations staff did receive the proposal – it was unsolicited and we chose not to act on it in any way,” he said in a statement to "Up."
CLGC did not return calls seeking comment.
Boehner spokesman Michael Steel declined to comment on the memo. But he responded to its characterization of Republicans as defenders of Wall Street by saying, “My understanding is that President Obama is the single largest recipient of donations from Wall Street.”On “Up” Saturday, Obama campaign adviser Anita Dunn responded by saying that the majority of the president’s re-election campaign is fueled by small donors. She rejected the suggestion that the president himself is too close to Wall Street, saying “If that’s the case, why were tough financial reforms passed over party line Republican oppositiThe CLGC memo raises another issue that it says should be of concern to the financial industry -- that OWS might find common cause with the Tea Party. “Well-known Wall Street companies stand at the nexus of where OWS protestors and the Tea Party overlap on angered populism,” the memo says. “…This combination has the potential to be explosive later in the year when media reports cover the next round of bonuses and contrast it with stories of millions of Americans making do with less this holiday season.”on?”
The memo outlines a 60-day plan to conduct surveys and research on OWS and its supporters so that Wall Street companies will be prepared to conduct a media campaign in response to OWS. Wall Street companies “likely will not be the best spokespeople for their own cause,” according to the memo.  “A big challenge is to demonstrate that these companies still have political strength and that making them a political target will carry a severe political cost.”
Part of the plan CLGC proposes is to do “statewide surveys in at least eight states that are shaping up to be the most important of the 2012 cycle.”
Specific races listed in the memo are U.S. Senate races in Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Mexico and Nevada as well as the gubernatorial race in North Carolina.
The memo indicates that CLGC would research who has contributed financial backing to OWS, noting that, “Media reports have speculated about associations with George Soros and others.”
"It will be vital,” the memo says, “to understand who is funding it and what their backgrounds and motives are. If we can show that they have the same cynical motivation as a political opponent it will undermine their credibility in a profound way.”
 "Specific races listed in the memo are U.S. Senate races in Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio . . . ." OHIO! Oh, No!!! Say it isn't so!!! That means we are doomed to be a battle ground state. Doomed by one negative political ad after another and another and another, over and over and over again and again. Especially after the Supreme Court basically did away with donation limits, Oh Dear Lord, Have Mercy, the political mud is really going to be flying this presidential election, more than ever before.  But in the meantime, Wall Street can and will be held accountable for their actions, one way or another.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Council Approves Nursing Home Plans, emergency access driveway

By Mike Lesko, Stow Sentry
     Stow--After listening to the worries of Rockport Colony residents about the location of an emergency access driveway at a proposed nursing home, City Council resonded to their concerns.
     While approving plans November 17 for an 80-bed nursing home and rehabilitation facility west of Sowul Boulevard, Council also OK'd the site that residents had requested for an emergency drive.
     Altercare Nursing Home will be located just east of the Norton Road Giant Eagle i the Towne Center Plaza shopping center south of the Hudson border.
     The emergency drive, which will be toward the west off Sowul, will be south of Sandy Hook and closer to the Summit County Metro Parks Bike and Hike Trail. It ill be the southern-most of the three routessuggested rather than the northern-most, which previously had been recommended by city officials.
     Council Vice-President and Mayor-Elect Sara Drew, chairperson of Council's planning committee, recommended that the city pick the emergency route that residents wanted, which is the plan Council approved.
     "We had an overwhelming response from Rockport Colony residents," Drew said after the meeting. "They had concerns about traffic and headlights. Their input allowed us to make some changes."
     "We want to make sure the project fits into the neighborhood and that the residents are pleased," Drew said, "Altercare will be a good neighbor, and the nursing home will be a great addition to the neighborhood."
At the Council's November 14 planning committee meeting, residents from Rockport Colony said they were not pleased with the location that city officials recommended for a 24-foot-wide emergency access drive that would be constructed off Sowul.
     Stow Fire officials said the drive is mandatory in order to accommodate a 48-foot ladder truck,which might tip over while traveling over a curb if the emergency drive was not created. The entrance would be used only for emergency purposes. . . .

The good news is that it will be built, which will bring health care, where health care is needed. After all,the 'Baby Boom Generation' are now everywhere from their 50's to their mid-late 60's.
In addition to this, there is the job factor. Jobs, many of them, good paying jobs between the construction jobs of building it to the nursing jobs that maintain it, which will all lead to other jobs and growth.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Some Jokes for the Day

Get Better Soon

A retired man who volunteers to entertain patients in nursing homes and hospitals went to one local hospital in Brooklyn and took his portable keyboard along. He told some jokes and sang some funny songs at patients' bedsides.

When he finished he said, in farewell, "I hope you get better."

One elderly gentleman replied, "I hope you get better, too." 

Questions of Logic

Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?

Why do croutons come in airtight packages? It's just stale bread to begin with.

Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

I don't know about anyone else. I am not psychic enough to read anyone else's mind. Sometimes, I have problems reading my own mind.  ;-)
I for one get soo caught up in the seriousness of life and the seriousness of the problems that the world is facing, from the economy to Global Climate Change, that I often forget to take time out for a good joke and a good laugh every once in a while, especially here in the U.S. where just about all the families are getting ready for the Holidays --Thanksgiving and Christmas/ Chanukah /Kwanza and New Year's Day--to take time to just laugh. After all, tomorrow I have got to get my Thanksgiving shopping done and still find time to practice the clarinet, which I volunteered to play for church and still pick up the appetizer/dessert that I volunteered to bring to the Newcomers get together, before my schedule started filling up, back when I thought I had free time to start doing something with.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ozone in NE Ohio air ‘typical’; E-Check expected to stay

CLEVELAND: The federal Environmental Protection Agency is expected to improve its designation for the Akron-Cleveland region’s effort in controlling the pollutant ozone, but emissions testing for area vehicles is expected to continue.
Northeast Ohio had a typical year in 2011 for ozone, according to a report the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency released Wednesday.
There were 14 bad-air days in Summit, Portage, Medina, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Lake, Geauga and Ashtabula counties from April 1 through Oct. 31, data show.
The eight-county region typically experiences 15.5 bad-air days, the planning agency said. There were 10 such days in 2010.
The agency’s report said a total of 40 air-monitor readings in the eight counties violated federal limits for the pollutant ozone in 2011.
Ozone is formed when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from vehicles, power plants and industry mix in direct sunlight on hot, sticky, windless days. It can cause breathing problems, especially for the elderly, children and asthmatics.
The EPA is expected to designate the Akron-Cleveland region as a “marginal nonattainment” area for ozone by next spring. The region previously had been in the more serious “moderate nonattainment” category.
The Columbus and Cincinnati areas also are expected to get similar “marginal” designations, and the regions would have three years to comply with federal ozone limits.
E-Check, the vehicle-testing system in all counties of the Akron-Cleveland area except Ashtabula, would remain in effect under the provisions of the federal Clean Air Act.
The region’s marginal status could affect industries that want to move in or expand. They would be forced to arrange offsets or reductions from other companies before they could open or grow.
The eight counties in Northeast Ohio are considered a single clean-air region. A bad-air reading in one county affects all eight.
Summit County failed to comply on six dates: June 6, June 8, June 30, July 1, July 6 and Sept. 2.
Portage County had one violation, July 1, and Medina County two violations, June 8 and July 1.
Data show the air is getting cleaner in Northeast Ohio, but two counties fail to comply with federal limits for ozone.
With the addition of 2011 data, Ashtabula and Lake remain out of compliance. Ashtabula has a three-year ozone average of 78 parts per billion; Lake has a 77.
The federal limit is 75 parts per billion.
The other 2009-2011 totals are Summit, 74; Portage, 67; Medina, 68; Cuyahoga, 75; Geauga, 73; and Lorain, 69.
The 74 reading is the lowest level ever for Summit County.
In 2006-2008, Summit had an ozone level of 82 parts per billion. Portage had a 74, Medina, 72; Cuyahoga, 79; Geauga, 73; Lorain, 74; Ashtabula, 84; and Lake, 78.
The EPA throws out the top three ozone readings. The fourth-highest reading each year becomes the key number. The EPA then maintains a rolling average over three years, and that becomes the official ozone level.
The federal government had been looking at lowering the ozone level to perhaps 70 parts per billion, but the Obama administration has delayed that proposal.

Well, it looks like we Ohioan have to not only keep working at, but maybe work a bit harder at lowering 'our carbon foot print' in reguards to the ozone. I know I for one am as guilty as the rest, but soon I start a new job that is within walking distance and hopefully not only lowers my 'carbon foot print', but also burns off some of these excess calories. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Occupy . . . . And More

Well If it is true that the 'mainstream media' will not cover this story then I guess it will be up to us bloggers to cover this story and pass it on and on and on . . . .

And More
A midnight opening robs the hourly and in-store salary workers of time off with their families on Thanksgiving Day.  By opening the doors at midnight, Target is requiring team members to be in the store by 11 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. A full holiday with family is not just for the elite of this nation -- all Americans should be able to break bread with loved ones and get a good night's rest on Thanksgiving!
Join me in calling for Target retail stores to push back their original opening time of 5am on Black Friday.

P.S. Here are some of the other top petitions this week: 
  1. Rick Melargni is a Best Buy employee from Tampa, Florida. He started a petition on asking Best Buy to not open at midnight on Thanksgiving so families can share the holiday together. 
  2. Monique White lost her job as a youth counselor at a group home in Minnesota after state budget cuts. Now she's fighting to stop US Bank from evicting her from her foreclosed home. Sign Monique's petition to keep her home from US Bank.
  3. Shawn Ambrose bought a ticket on a Greyhound bus for his daughter in college -- but because the ticket was a gift, Greyhound charged him an extra $18 fee. Sign Shawn's petition asking Greyhound to cancel its $18 "gift fee" for families traveling during the holidays
  4. Students at the University of Nevada want to save their school's "working farm" -- one of the few left in the country, where students can learn about farming and agriculture. Sign Wendy Baroli's petition to stop the school from destroying the farm
  5. "Pancho" Ramos-Stierle was arrested on Monday morning while meditating in a peaceful protest at the Occupy Wall Street movement in Oakland, California. But because he's undocumented, he faces deportation. His friends started a petition asking immigration officials to release Pancho immediately.
  6. An Oklahoma man brutally injured a horse after dragging it behind his ATV. Now a group called "Hand 4 Paws" is asking a judge to impose the maximum sentence in the case

With any luck and a 'wing and a prayer' any and / or all of these petitions should be signable, at least I hope and pray they are. If they are not, please forgive this beginner blogger.