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Thursday, November 22, 2012


My View: 5 ways to raise thankful children

Courtesy National Fatherhood InitiativeBy Vincent DiCaro, Special to CNN
Editor’s note: Vincent DiCaro is vice president of development and communication for the National Fatherhood Initiative, where he has worked for more than 10 years to promote involved, responsible and committed fatherhood. He lives in Maryland with his wife and toddler-age son.
(CNN) – I’ll always remember the first time my son spontaneously said, “Thank you,” to me. It was only a few months ago. He has Type 1 diabetes and was having a low blood sugar episode. I brought him his favorite juice to get his blood sugar up, and when I handed him the juice he said, “Thank you, daddy” in his adorable toddler voice.
 1. Model thankfulness. It is difficult for children to be what they don’t see. Therefore it is critical that you live out thankfulness in your own life. . . .
Personally, I am a firm believer that we parents have a greater influence on our children than anyone or anything else. As sure as I am a believer in absence does make the heart grow founder. This Thanksgiving I will be spending it with my younger son, whom I do not see very often, since he chose to live on his own, after graduating from high school.

Speaking of looking forward to--I am also looking forward to some movies, after thoroughly enjoying 'Skyfall'--which was excellent. I wonder if he's seen it or wants to see it. After all, this is one movie that I would not mind seeing again.

SkyfallSynopsis and Overview

Poster art for "Skyfall."

In addition, I am also looking forward to>>>>

Life of Pi 3DSynopsis and Overview
Poster art for "Life of Pi 3D." 
As I confess so does>>>> 
Poster art for "Rise of the Guardians 3D."Rise of the Guardians 3DSynopsis and Overview



Les Miserables (2012) PG-13

Poster for Les Miserables (2012)But not 'Red Dawn'--What can I say; I was in the Army Reserves in the 1980's--For me it is 'Been there-Done that'.

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