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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trump Must Indeed Be Held Responsible For His False Accusations. After all, NO ONE--NO ONE Should be above the Law..

Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail because it is too important not to. After all, need I remind everyone of the out-ragious, highly bigoted things that Trump said about our President, even after Trump was proven wrong and his accusations false--he refused to let them go--WE MUST HOLD TRUMP RESPONSIBLE--THE ONLY WAY POSSIBLE--HIS ((((((EGO)))))))
My name is Angelo Carusone. I created the petition urging Macy's to sever ties with Donald Trump. Thank you for stepping up and adding your voice to this effort! Thus far, your participation has created a tremendous response -- we have over 590,000 signers and our petition is all over the media. And, this is just the beginning.

Click here to share this petition on Facebook and help get 1 million signatures by Thanksgiving!
Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren emailed me this morning. He acknowledged our efforts, which means we got Macy's attention. But, his response was disappointing. Macy's and Mr. Lundgren dismissed the efforts so far. They seem to be under the false impression that this is all about their latest TV commercial.

Macy's has it all wrong. This is not about a TV commercial or politics. Macy's does not merely sell Donald Trump's clothing. They have a partnership. Macy's helps develop and build Trump's fashion brand.
I responded to Mr. Lundgren by explaining that this is about something much bigger than a TV commercial. l also offered Macy's the opportunity to include an appropriate message in this email. Macy's did not respond.

I initiated this petition on October 24, right around the time of Trump's $5 million dollar birther stunt. I came across a letter dated August 23, 2012 from Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren to Donald Trump. Mr. Lundgren concludes the letter by telling Trump: "Don't give up the Real Estate business yet but we are developing a meaningful fashion business with your brand!"
This got me thinking about Trump's "brand."

To me, Trump's brand is consequence-free bullying and chicanery; mean-spirited antics designed to ride a media cycle so he can promote himself or his Macy's product line at the expense of others. And, here was the CEO of Macy’s promising to further develop that brand. This didn't seem consistent with my experience as a longtime Macy's customer. So, I acted and started the petition.

In effect, Macy's is rewarding Trump's bigoted bullying by building a business right on top of it.I know about bullies. I grew up on the receiving end of them for far too long. Then I learned to stop them and I never forgot how. Back in 2009, while in law school, I drew on those lessons as I organized the StopBeck effort. It was similar in that the participants were attaching consequences and costs to Glenn Beck's reckless vitriol. It required widespread participation and a lot of persistence, but it paid off.

Macy's needs to understand that they should not reward Donald Trump's bigoted bullying, but I need your help explaining that to them.
Click here to share this petition on Facebook and help get 1 million signatures by Thanksgiving!
If you’re not on Facebook, you can email or Tweet this link and urge others to sign:
I'll be following up in the coming days with additional updates.
Know this: Your participation matters!

Onward we go...


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