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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Part II--Let Us Do More Than Merely Curse The Darkness--But Fight Against The Darkness--With The More Powerful Weapon--The Pen!!!!

How the violent mentally ill can buy guns

The federal background check for gun purchases fails to catch many mentally ill people with violent backgrounds, experts say.(CNN) -- Last November, Oklahoma City police officers went to check on an elderly woman after relatives reported they hadn't heard from her in a while.
At 77, Janet Hume was living with her adult son, Gerald, who the family said was schizophrenic. Since she typically kept in close contact with relatives, police decided to investigate.

Better Yet, Got Involved!!!--Personally I go to>>>Save Our Children From Gun Violence that meets in Bedford, Ohio--but there are many many others--for anyone and everyone who lives close enough to Bedford, Ohio--all are welcomed to become part of the solution--Thank You.
 lisa ciocia has just informed me that one of the many reasons to come and bring friends to this thurs' meeting is that we will have a guest speaker named Lori O'niel. she is an expert on gun violence. remember it is at:
7 pm at the Bedford Public Library
70 Columbus Rd
Bedford, oh
amy skerry

 Tell Our Leaders to Establish a New Commission on Children!

Dear Readers, I am passing on this e-mail in order for you to be able to sign this most worth while petition too;

Every child deserves a happy and safe childhood. But for too many, including the 20 young lives lost in Newtown, CT, that isn't a reality.

We cannot stand by and let violence, poverty and other threats become pervasive parts of childhood in America. We need everyone at the table for a national conversation to find bold, new ideas.

That's why Save the Children is joining forces with the Children's Health Fund, Every Child Matters, First Focus, Harlem Children's Zone and Share Our Strength to call on President Obama and Congress to establish a new National Commission on Children to ensure the safety and well-being of every child.

Send a Message to President Obama and Congress.

America's children need YOU! Together, we can protect them today and give them hope for tomorrow. Sign our petition NOW and then share it with your friends!

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