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Thursday, October 13, 2011

On behalf of MercyCorps

"If a violent tornado, hurricane or earthquake left your neighborhood in ruins, I'm sure you would rush to help your neighbors in need.
But what if the crisis occurred half a world away and involved millions of families? What if the disaster left people in such desperate need that something as simple as a bucket could be the difference between life and death?
I think you'd want to help them . . . especially if you had the chance to meet Venite.
Venite is a single mother in Haiti's capital city, Port-au-Prince. On January 12, 2010, she was at work when Haiti's devastating earthquake struck. She remembers a big rumble and two wverwhelming "rushes," but it wasn't until she was outside - amid the rubble, blood and screams -- that she realized her world had literally fallen apart.
Venite suddenly had nothing. No home. No job. No food for her children. But in these dark and harrowing moments, Venite found mercy.
For more than 30 years, Mercy Corps, has rushed to help millions of people like Venite when they needed it most. Like a kindhearted neighbor, we bring blankets, water (and buckets to carry it) and long-term help to people who have lost everything.
But we cannot respond to the world's most desperate cries for help alone. We depend on compassionate people like you to show your mercy, too. Can you spare just $20, $30 or more to help save lives and restore hope to people who have lost everything?
If your (our) gift(s) is(/are) received by December 31, 2011, it will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Western Union Foundation with an equal contribution to supprt struggling families in Haiti. There has never been a more important time to give. . . .

Well, I do not know about anyone else, but I am going to give something before this year ends.

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