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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome to the rollercoaster

Welcome to the rollercoaster I call, my life.  Today, started out rather well, unfortunately I was too busy remembering which roads to take to and from the Main Branch of the Akron Public Library to notice that I took my son's keys, instead of my own.  The bad news is I didn't notice the mistake until I was waiting in line for the ticket for class to start. Even though other were there chit-chatting, my texting was most offensive. Why I had to get up and move when I only had one more word to go, was beyond me. After all, I have learned the rudest thing that you can do is to interrupt library conversations with texting, since the library is there, the place for people to talk. 
Well, being left there, in the pit of anger. After all, sometimes it feels that everyone's right always seem to out-weigh my own. Sometimes it feels like I am here to yield the right of way.  Well, decided I could not disappear in this pit of anger, so I went to Burger King for supper and the movie--Dolphine's Tail, which was very uplifting. The movie to see, when to get out of a pit.
After the movie, decided to have cold beer before going to sleep, I was going to use all my silver change, until I got to the cash register and they were short of pennies. Then I was finally glad that I could help, since I had a purse of pennies.
Well, sitting here, writing while watching "The Ghost Whisperer", I have decided that all in all, today was a good day.

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