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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Say NO 2 Artic Drilling--NO 2 Keystone Pipeline and Ohio's Election Day

Dear Watercolors Angel,
Last week we told you about Shell's shocking lawsuit against us because of our work to stop drilling in the Polar Bear Seas of America's Arctic. We asked you to stand with us -- and you did! Over 30,000 of you signed our petition. 
But we need to keep the heat on Shell -- and we need your help to do it. Can you ask your friends and family to sign the petition? With your help, we can get to 60,000 signatures and stand up for the Polar Bear Seas. It's easy:
1. Just forward this email (the part below the line) to five of your friends.
2. Share the alert on Facebook or Twitter by clicking these share buttons: Share this page on FacebookShare this page on TwitterShare this page with other services
We can't let Shell get away with this, and with your help, they won't.
Fran Hunt

 Say No To Keystone Pipeline and Yes, to the Environment which we share and will one day leave behind for our children and their children and . . . .
Sierra Club Resilient Habitats Campaign Director Republican senators are now pushing an amendment to a massive transportation bill that would allow for the immediate construction and operation of the dangerous Keystone XL tar-sands pipeline. A vote on the amendment is expected this week, so please -- contact your senators right now and ask them to oppose the Keystone XL amendment.

If built, the 1,700-mile pipeline would transport up to 35 million gallons of oil every day from Canada's tar sands -- one of the dirtiest energy sources in the world -- to refineries in Texas, where it could be exported to global markets.

The pipeline would increase our dependence on the fossil fuels driving global warming and directly threaten pristine wildlife habitat, freshwater supplies for millions of people and at least 20 endangered species, including whooping cranes and pallid sturgeons.

Please ask your senators to stand up against the Keystone XL amendment now.

Click here to find out more and take action.

Enough Said.

The Ohio Primary

Well, Today is Ohio's turn to Vote. I know how I am voting, which is Democrat--But What will be the Election result when All Of Ohio Votes. That is a Good Question--Excellent Question--Superb Question--Which means I have absolutely no idea of how it will and which way would work out best for Ohio. A.K.A. I am just watching who will win the Republican Nomination, because I have absolutely no idea of who would be more or less beatable.

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